The only exception

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Something Elijah Madden admired about Dakota Shepherd was her selflessness. It didn't mater what she was doing or what she was going through, she was always there for the people she loved.

Nothing mattered more to her than her friends and family being okay or feeling loved.

She helped Cristina through her miscarriage, she helped Derek through his breakdown and then helping him propose to Meredith. And finally, standing by her best friend's relationship with the person she probably hated most in the world simply just because he was happy.


The sound of rapid knocking woke Dakota. She sat up with a huff and rolled out of bed.

The knocking continued as the brunette approached her door and checked through the peep hole, where she saw very frantic looking Alex.

Dakota unlocked the door and pulled it open, finally putting a halt on Alex's knocking. She glanced at the o'clock before looking back at her friend.

"It's four in the morning Alex. What the hell?"

Alex walked past her and into the living room where he began pacing in front of the sofa. Dakota sighed and closed the front door.

"I know you hate her. I know you want nothing to do with her. I respect that, I understand that." Alex began

Dakota looked at him in disbelief "Did you really wake me up to talk about Izzie?"

Alex ignored her as he continued "But you're my best friend, you're my person thing that Mer and Cristina talk about all the time. So, just for a moment I need you to put aside your hate for Izzie. Because I'm gonna need you for this"

"For what?"

"I want you to be my best man - woman- because Izzie and I are getting married and I want you to be there. And I need you be there to keep me from running, because I'm me, I'm gonna-" Alex began rambling

Dakota shook her head "You're not run, because you love Izzie. You're gonna stand at that alter with a smile on your face as big ball of taffeta with blonde hair comes towards you."

Alex smiled at her "Will you be my best man ?"

Dakota chuckled "Of course I will, Alex"

"Thank you" the man sighed in relief

They sat down on the couch and Dakota looked over at him with a smirk "I'm your person huh?"

Alex nudged her slightly "Shut up"


Elijah closed the door to Dakotas apartment behind him as he walked in.

"We gotta go, Ace, or we'll be late" Elijah called out to the girl as he began adjusting his tie and fiddling with the cuffs of his sleeve.

He looked up when he heard a whistle and his eyes landed on Dakota standing in the doorway of her bedroom, wearing a deep purple dress.

"You clean up nice" Dakota told him

Elijah fell silent as he looked at Dakota, not even processing the girls words. He just stood there admiring every single thing about her.

From the way the fabric draped across her body perfectly, to the way her hair cascaded down in perfect curls. To the way the color of her dress contrasted perfectly with the color of her eyes, and finally to the smile that graced her lips as she looked at him.

Elijah shook his head slightly and cleared his throat "You uh- look great" 

A light blush dusted itself across her cheeks at the compliment "Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself"

The man smiled and held out his arm "Shall we?"

Dakota linked her arm with his and nodded "We shall"


Dakota stood at the alter next to Alex as the music began playing and the doors opened and Izzie began walking down the aisle.

It was no secret that Dakota didn't like Izzie, and that wasn't ever gonna change. The blonde had crossed a line way too many times for Dakota to ever consider the possibility of forgiving her.

But, there was no denying she looked beautiful. The thing that really caught Dakotas eye was the Alex looked at Izzie. He had a look of pure love and admiration in eyes. As long as Dakotas beat friend was happy, she was happy too.

As she grew closer to the alter, Izzie halted in her steps slightly and stumbled. A look of worry crossed over everyone's features.

Dakota let out a soft sigh as she stepped down and walked over to Izzie, gently wrapping her arms around the blonde.

Izzie glanced at the girl in mild confusion, Dakota shook her head slightly "you're making it down this aisle, blondie" the brunette whispered.

Izzie let out a soft chuckle before her attention turned back to Alex who was stood at the alter. Dakota helped Izzie up the steps and handed her over to Alex before taking her original place as the ceremony continued.


Dakota let out a deep breath as she sat on a bench outside, taking a break from the festivities. She slipped off her heels and let her head fall back as someone approached her.

"You...are better person than I could ever imagine being"

Dakota looked over at Elijah as he took a seat on the bench next to her.

"I admire it" Elijah continued

Dakota smiled up at him "Alex is happy, that's all that matters. I'm not the one marrying her."

Elijah chuckled "That what I love about you. You're always so supportive of your friends, I mean that girl got you fired and you not only showed up but you also helped her down the aisle. Just so Alex could be happy"

"Awww. Eli, you love me?" Dakota teased

Elijah just stayed quiet as he shook his head. The two fell into a comfortable silence as Dakota rested her head against his arm.

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