Forgive the world

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Hell is right around the corner, but it's heaven next to you

Dakotas eyes followed her ceiling fan as it spun in circles, rattling slightly. Her room was dark and quiet. The only sounds coming from Milo, who was sleeping peacefully at the foot of her bed.

The brunette couldn't sleep, she couldn't even keep her eyes closed for more than two minutes at a time. It was like her body was trying to tell her something.

Whatever it was, Dakota knew it wasn't good.

Soon, the sunlight began creeping in through the window, showering the girls room in a faint morning glow.

She still hadn't slept.

Her bedroom door quietly opened, Dakotas attention didn't shift from the ceiling fan.

"It rattles. One day it's going to come crashing down on me"

Elijah looked at her with concerned eyes "Did you sleep at all?"

Dakota finally peeled her eyes away from the fan and looked at Eli "would you believe me if I said yes?"


"Then there's your answer"

The man watched as she sluggishly picked herself up out of her bed. Her exhaustion was painfully evident on her features.

Today was going to be a long day.


Dakota felt truly uneasy as she walked through the walls of the hospital. It was eerily quiet and it was way too calm for her taste.

It felt like everyone was at a standstill, simply waiting for tragedy to strike.

She kept looking over her shoulder as she walked, it was like someone was breathing down her neck. The feeling sent shivers down her spine.

Dakota picked up her pace and abruptly turned the corner, bumping into Meredith and Cristina.

"Woah, sunshine. Who's chasing you?" Cristina asked as she helped Dakota steady herself from the impact.

Dakota took a deep breath and shook her head "Sorry, I just...something feels off"

As if on cue, all three of the girls pagers began beeping. The looked down at them, furrowing their brows before glancing at each other in confusion.

"Why are we in lockdown?"


Meredith and Cristina continued walking around the hospital, dragging a very uneasy Dakota with them.

They were walking in the direction of Derek's office when said man stopped them and reprimanded them for walking around before pushing them in a supply closet and telling them to stay put.

The look in her brother's eyes only made Dakotas anxiety worsen.

The three of them sat in a deafening silence before Meredith stood up and began opening the door.

Farewell, Neverland - Grey's AnatomyWhere stories live. Discover now