Sympathy for the devil

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Dakota loved her family, she really did. But it was no secret Derek was her favorite. He had two sisters she simply didn't talk to. Anytime she spoke to Nancy, the two always ended up arguing. Amy went in and out of rehab, and while the two were best friends growing up, Amelia's addiction unfortunately caused a rift in hers and Dakotas relationship.

Dakota and Derek weren't always as close as they were now, in fact, it was Addison who helped the two get where they were.

And then, there was Dakotas mother. Dakota loved her mother to bits and pieces, but sometimes she could be a little much. Carolyn Shepherd just wanted the absolute best for her children.

With Dakota being the youngest, Carolyn tended to go a little overboard with her. She was protective and nothing was ever good enough for Dakota in Carolyn's eyes.

When Dakota found out her mother was coming into down, she was scared shitless. Since the girl had moved to Seattle, she had kept a lot from her mother.

Dakotas phone began ringing and she sighed, hoping ir wasn't her mother "Hello?"

"Help. Please help me"

Dakotas brows furrowed "Mark?"

"Your mother is here" Mark told her

"I know, what's the big deal?"

Mark sighed "I'm doing a very bad thing, Kota. And I don't want to face mama Shepherd"

"What are you doing?" Dakota questioned

"I'm sleeping with little Grey" Mark mumbled

Dakota let out a snort "You're sleeping with Mer's new sister. What's with you and people's sisters"


"Why don't you just ask Derek to keep her away?"

"..." Mark stayed silent

"Derek doesn't know does he?"

"He asked me to stay away from her, but Ko, this girl..."

Dakota sighed "Fine, I'll come save you. But you owe me...and I want to meet Lexie"

"Deal. You're the best mwah, I love you...get here quick"

Dakota hung up the phone as she shook her head "Him and sisters"


Before Dakotas foot could even cross the threshold, her mother was standing in front of her woth a stern expression on her face.

"Huh. Feel like I'm sixteen again" Dakota muttered

"When were you planning on telling me you no longer worked at this hospital?" Carolyn asked crossing her arms over her chest

Dakota gave her mom a smile "It's good to see you too, mom. Did you have a good flight?"

"Dakota Everdeen Shepherd"

Dakota's nose scrunched "I thought we agreed never to use my middle name again?"

Her mother just gave her a stern look.

"It's not like I wanted to leave" Dakota sighed "believe me, I loved it here. I loved the people I was working with...but not all of them loved me"

Carolyn's face softened "That's all you needed to say."

Dakota finally walked forward and gave her mom a hug. As they pulled away, Carolyn cupped her daughter's face in her hands.

"Now, tell me...Are you seeing anyone? Cause Derek told me you were talking to Jackson again. I always liked that boy"

Dakota groaned as they both began walking up the stairs "Jackson's basically family and no, I'm not seeing anyone"

"Oh, honey. We need to get you a boyfriend...or a girlfriend. Whichever you prefer"

The brunette sighed and looked up "dear god, help me" she looked back down and her eyes landed on Elijah, who was stood a few feet away. She let out a breath of relief "Eli"

Said man looked towards her and excused himself from the conversation with the doctor he was speaking with before walking over to the girl "Hey, what are you doing here?"

Dakota cleared her throat "Eli, this is my mother Carolyn Shepherd. Ma, this is Elijah Madden. He is head of Trauma and he was my mentor before I left Seattle Grace"

"Actually I'm Co-Head" Elijah corrected her

The girls head whipped towards him as she furrowed her brows "Co? What do you mean Co? What goes on at this hospital nowadays?"

Elijah chuckled "it just means less paperwork for me" His pager began beeping "I gotta go. It was pleasure, Mrs. Shepherd. I will see you later, Ace"

Dakota gave him a smile before he took off down the stairs. The brunette turned back to her mom, who wore a soft smile on her face


Carolyn just kept smiling as she shook her head "Nothing, hon. Nothing."


The day passed and now Dakota was stood outside of Seattle Grace saying goodbye to her mother.

"From now on, you tell me when something happens. Bad or good. I'm your mother and I'd like to know if you're okay" Carolyn told her daughter

Dakota nodded "I promise"

The brunette put her mom's bag in the trunk of the taxi before giving the woman a big hug.

"I just want you to know that I like him" Carolyn said "The trauma surgeon, I mean"

Dakota smiled at her mother "yeah...I like him too"

"I could tell" Her mother told her as she began getting in the car.

Dakota chuckled "have a safe trip and call me when you land"

"I will you. I love you"

"I love you too, mom"


Dakota pushed open the door and smiled as she took in the familiar warmth of Joes bar. It had been so long since she had last been there and she missed more than she thought.

"There she is!" Joe exclaimed with a smile when he saw the girl "Never thought I'd get to see you in here again"

Dakota gave the man a warm smile as she took a seat at the bar next Elijah "It's good to see you Joe. How are the kids? How's Walter?"

"They're all doing good, thanks. How are you?"

"I'm doing good all things considered" Dakota nodded as Joe placed a drink in front of her. She then turned to Elijah "Congratulations. You got Carolyn Shepherd to like you"

Elijah chuckled "I barely spoke to her"

Dakota shrugged "You're a charming man, Madden"

"Hey, I got a question" Elijah spoke, making Dakota turn her full attention to him "is your middle name really Everdeen?"

The brunette groaned "you heard that?"

"Oh yeah" Elijah smirked "And I'm never gonna forget about it"

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