I saw what I saw

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Smoke billowed into the room, covering it with a gray haze as the fire spread through the Rosemary Hotel. Screams echoed through the building as people pleaded for help. The heavy thud of footsteps could be heard through the halls as hotel guests ran for safety and firefighters ran into the flames to get people out.

Lucas Oliver, a rookie at the Seattle Fire Department, paused momentarily as he heard the faint sounds of coughing and cries of pain coming from room 213. The commotion was downing their pleas out, but Lucas could definitely hear someone in the room.

the firefighter started ramming the door before it finally burst open. The room was clouded with smoke, lit with the warm orange glow of the flames. Lucas heard the painful cries again and his eyes finally landed on the figure of a brunette lying on the floor writhing in pain. The smell of burning flesh hit the man's nose as he hastily made his way over to the woman.

she let out a strangled cough as more smoke filled her lungs, her eyes pleading with the man for help. Lucas picked her up and rushed her out to safety before one of the ambulances that had arrived at the scene took her away.


"A pipe burst" Elijah repeated

Dakota nodded with a look of pure annoyance written across her features "Yes, the main water line mind you. They said it would take weeks to repair and then weeks to deal with the flood damage."

"I have a spare room" Elijah reminded her "You can stay with me, you're at my house more than your place anyways"

Dakota sighed "It's fine. But, I appreciate the offer"

"Kota, just stay with me." Elijah said

"I already booked a hotel" The brunette told him

The trauma surgeon nodded "Yeah, how long do you think it'll take before you go all Jack Torrence?"

"I'm not insane" Dakota huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

Elijah looked down at her with a small smirk gracing his features "I beg to differ. Karev told me you offered to hire a hitman"

She shrugged "I said I'm not insane...never said i don't know people who are"

"I'll set up your room" Elijah called out as Dakota walked away from him


The doors to the ER swung open and everyone diverted their attention to Dr. Hunt "We have a mass casualty coming in. The Rosemary Hotel caught fire. I'm gonna need all hands on deck"

Everyone started prepping for the trauma that was on its way while Alex Karev stood frozen in his place, drawing the attention of Dr. Bailey.

"Karev, why are you just standing there?" Bailey asked

Alex looked over at the woman with panic in his eyes "Kota's staying at The Rosemary." His eyes darted around the room, hoping to catch sight of the familiar brunette hair but she wasn't there.

Bailey faltered for a moment "Karev, relax. She's probably here somewhere, you know that girl doesn't leave the hospital. Try calling her"

He nodded and pulled out his phone and began calling his best friend.

this is Dakota Shepherd, leave a message.

"Dammit, Kota. Pick up" Alex muttered as he tried again.


Dakota tiredly trudged through the lobby of the Rosemary hotel, approaching the reception desk.

"Hi, my name is Dakota Shepherd. I have a reservation"

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