Great expectations

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Dakota's wife home beeped as another text from Callie lit up the screen. Apparently George had been driving her crazy.

"How's O'Malley doing?"

The brunette looked up from her phone and over at Elijah as he stood at the stove in his kitchen.

"He's...coping" Dakota hummed "Callie is a bit concerned"

"Have been to see him yet?"

Dakota shrugs "I've tried but every time I do, Izzie stops me. I don't know why she's acting like his keeper"

Elijah looks away from what he was doing "You and Izzie still haven't made up?"

"Nope. I don't plan on it either"

The man goes to say something but Dakota holds her hand up and stops him "Don't. Alex has already tried several times"

Elijah nods and turns back the pan in front of him as a silence overtakes the pair "You and Alex seem close"

"I guess"

"What's going on there?" Elijah questions, keeping his eyes trained on the task in front of him.

Dakota purses her lips "What do you mean?"

"Are guys like...a thing?"

The brunette lets out a stifled snort and starts rapidly shaking her head "Oh god no. Never ever in a million years would that happen. Besides he's not even my type"

The last sentence caught Elijah's attention and he perked up slightly "What is your type?"

Dakota stared at him for a moment before clearing her throat "Do you need any help?" She asked, trying to change the subject.

"The last time to helped me cook, you almost poured hot oil on yourself"

The woman frowned "You could've just said no"


Dakota stepped off of the elevator in the hospital and just as she turned the corner, a very serious looking Dr.Bailey stopped her and pushed a stack of clipboards toward her.

Dakota looked down at the woman with confusion etched on her face "what are these?"

"These are for the new clinic I'm trying to open. I need you to go get the attendings signatures" Bailey instructed

"Why me?"

"One of the attendings is your brother, another is your former sister in law, I don't know what you've got going on with Sloan but he's obsessed with you, and you're Madden's favorite. You can get these signatures faster than anyone else. Now go"

Dakota nodded slowly and took the clipboards as Bailey walked away from her.


"Sign" Dakota said as she pushed a clipboard over toward Mark

Mark looked at the clipboard and back up at Dakota with furrowed brows "Why? What is it?"

The brunette huffed "It's for a project I'm working on and I need the attendings to sign it"

Mark pursed his lips and handed the clipboard back to her "Sorry, but I'm not gonna be an attending here for much longer"

Dakota frowned and looked at him quizzically "Really? You're leaving now?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I just didn't think you would be leaving when the position for chief could be opening" She informed him

Marks face lit up "Webber is stepping down?"

Dakota nodded and Mark smiled at her before placing a kiss on her forehead and taking off down the hall.

"Mark Everett Sloan" Dakota shouted.

Marks footsteps came to halt and he turned back to the brunette before rushing back down her to her and quickly signing the paper.

"Thank you. You may leave now"


"You told Mark about the race for chief?" Derek asked his sister as she stepped into the elevator.

Dakota nodded firmly "Yes" she handed him a clipboard "Now sign"

Derek took the clipboard from her but kept his eyes on her "He was about to leave, Kota. Why would you give him a reason to stay?"

The girl shrugged "information spreads faster in this hospital than a disease ever could...he was bound to find out eventually."

Derek frowned at her "Do you still have feelings for him"

Dakota grimaced "No."

Derek looked at her for a moment as the elevator door opened, he began to step off but Dakota stopped him and tapped the clipboard in his hand.


"Just sign the damn paper Derek"


"Oh, Addie" Dakota said cheerfully as she approached the redhead as Callie stood next to her "Hey, Cal"

Callie waved as Addison looked at Dakota "Why are you so happy?"

"Am I not allowed to-"

"What do you want?"

Dakota snapped her mouth shut and slid the clipboard over to Addison "Sign please"

Callie looked at the paper with furrowed brows "A clinic?"

Dakota nodded "Yeah, Bailey asked for my help on getting's really fun, I think I scared Mark a little"

Addison took the pen that Dakota was holding out and signed the papers "That does sound like fun. Why did Bailey ask you?"

"People in this hospital love me...Also, Nepotism" Dakota smiled


Dakota stood in front of Burke, causing him to come to an abrupt stop. "Sign"

Burke looked down at her "No"

"I got shot because of you, now sign"

Burke gave her an unimpressed look before sighing and signing the paper in front of him "Low blow, Shepherd"

"Bailey is my resident, I learned from the best."


Dakota stood in front of Bailey and handed the short woman the clipboards with a faint frown on her face.

"Did you get all of them?"

"I couldn't find Dr.Madden, but I managed to get everyone else's" Dakota told her.

Bailey furrowed her brows "You couldn't find Madden. You guys are normally attached at the hip"

Dakota shrugged "He must've been busy, sorry."

Bailey nodded before walking away from Dakota, turning her head back slightly to watch as her intern made her way out the front doors.

Dakota shivered slightly as the outside air hit her as she stepped through the doors. She frowned when she saw Elijah leaning against one of the pillars.

"Hey, I haven't seen you all day" Dakota said as she approached him.

He shrugged "Busy"

The brunette's frown deepened "Are you okay"

Elijah gave her a curt nod and a strained smile. Deep down he knew he wasn't and as much as he wanted to deny it, he knew exactly why he wasn't okay.

Dakota's expression told him that she knew he was as lying but he just brushed her off "Are you ready to go?" He asked her

The woman nodded slightly "Yeah...I guess"

Farewell, Neverland - Grey's AnatomyWhere stories live. Discover now