Deny, deny, deny

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Dakota jolted awake as she heard a loud crash come from her kitchen. She rolled off her bed and landed on the floor with a thump.

The brunette groaned as she slowly stood from the floor and trudged her way to the kitchen.

Addison cursed under her breath as the pan hit the floor and looked over to see a very tired and very pissed off Dakota.

The redhead gave the girl a sheepish smile.

"What are you doing?" Dakota groans

Addison clears her throat and holds up the pan that she dropped "Making breakfast"

"I don't do breakfast and clearly you shouldn't either" The brunette huffs, grabbing a mug from the cabinet and pouring herself a cup of coffee.

Dakota takes a sip and grimaces "Oh shouldn't make coffee either"

Addison sits down on one of the stools at the counter and sighs "How did I end up here?"

Dakota gives her a look "You-"

"Please don't. It was rhetorical"

The younger woman sighs and leans on the counter across from her friend "What's your plan here Addy? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to see you...but, I don't enjoy waking up to the sounds of pans hitting the floor. I don't think the people who live below me enjoy it either"

"I don't want someone who doesn't want me" Addison said "But, I want more than anything for things to work out with Derek"

"You do realize that comes with sacrifices right?" Dakota tell her "Like moving to Seattle"

Addison looks up at her "I can't just- I mean you don't think- ugh"

The redhead drops her head to the counter and Dakota pats her hand "I need caffeine"

"You're so unhelpful" Addison says

Dakota chuckles "Who said I was trying to be helpful. I'm tired Addison, I have to be at the hospital in less than half an hour, you sick at making coffee, and even though I love you...I'm still mad at you"

The brunette walks toward her room "Oh, and my brother isn't speaking to me! All of us have problems. Now pull yourself together and get ready for work!"

The door slams and Addison jumps "You want to talk about it?" She calls out

"No!" Dakota calls back

The door reopens a few moments later and a fully dressed Dakota steps out

"Now, you have five minutes to get dressed or I leave without you" Dakota says

Addison ignored her "Enough about my love life, let's talk about yours. When was the last time you went on a date? We need to get you back out there"

Dakota groans

"I mean it...what about Elijah? You two seem-" Addison was cut off by the sound of a door closing. She furrowed her brows and looked around to see Dakota was gone.

"Well... I guess we're done then"


Bailey is making rounds with Dakota, Izzie, Alex, Meredith, and George.

"I want everyone focused today. With Cristina out, we're short an intern and I have a feeling it's gonna be one of those days. And Karev, see the chief by the end of the day." Bailey says as they make their way down the halls

Alex furrows his brows "What for?"

Bailey glances back at him "Do I look psychic to you? He is the chief. He asked. You go."

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