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Dakota opened her front door and sighed "You know, I'm perfectly capable of taking myself to work"

Elijah ignores her "I brought you tea. Are you almost ready?"

The brunette gave him a blank stare "Elijah..."

"You were almost blown up, so stop arguing with me and take the tea" He says, pushing the cup forward.

Dakota sighs and takes the cup from him "Thanks" she steps aside and lets him in "I just need to grab my shoes and then we can leave"

Elijah nods as he steps inside "I know you think I'm being dramatic but- okay, your phone has been ringing for several minutes. Are you not going to answer it?"

Dakota walks out of her room and grabs her phone off the counter, declining the call and grabbing her bag "No, I'm not going to answer it...and you are being dramatic"


Elijah and Dakota stepped off the elevator, now in their scrubs and the woman let out a groan as her phone began ringing again.

"Seriously, who is calling you?"

Dakota shakes her head and stuffs her phone back in her pocket "Nobody important"

"You wound me, baby Shepherd" a deep voice speaks up from behind them

Dakota stops in her tracks at the familiar nickname and clenches her jaw before turning around "What the hell are you doing here?"

Mark grins at her as he puts his phone away "just thought I'd pay my favorite girl a visit"

"Well, I'm sure Addison is around here somewhere. I gotta go" She snarks, grabbing Elijah's arm and pulling him away with her.

"Who was that?" Elijah asks looking down at the brunette

"That was Mark" Dakota snarls



Dakota walked up to her friends who were gathered around the nurses station, looking into an exam room

"Why is he suturing his own face?" George asked

Dakota glanced into the room and rolled her eyes when she saw Mark and Meredith inside, the former trying to give himself stitches where Derek had punched him.

"To turn me on" Cristina stated

"Because he's a jackass" Dakota muttered before pushing the door open and walking into the room.

"Baby shepherd" Mark grinned

Dakota looked at Meredith and nodded her head toward the door. Meredith let out a deep breath "Thank god" she muttered before leaving, closing the door behind her.

Dakota pulled on a pair of gloves and walked over to Mark, holding her hand out.

"No, interns don't suture my face" Mark said

Dakota raised an eyebrow "You're the one who taught me how to do sutures. Give it"

Mark held eye contact with Dakota for a moment but she wasn't backing down. "Fine"

Dakota started Marks stitches and he looked at her through the corner of his eye.

"How have you been, Kota?"

"Stop talking" She said in a flat tone

Mark hummed "So you hate me"

"Incredible observation"

Farewell, Neverland - Grey's AnatomyWhere stories live. Discover now