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Dakota looked around her (former) apartment with a grimace, scrunching her nose in disgust.

"What is that smell?" Jackson asked

"Probably mildew from all the water damage" Dakota huffed "The damage that was supposed to be fixed over a week ago"

Jackson looked over at her "D, this apartment is a lost cause. I mean, the floor feels like it's about to give out under us. The wallpaper is peeling and there's mold growing in the corner."

"But I love my apartment" the brunette looked at him with a pout "It is- was a good apartment"

"Not to mention the smell" Jackson continued, ignoring the girl "It's time to cut your losses"

"What am I supposed to do?"

He looked over at her confused "you already have a place to stay. I personally don't understand how Madden can put up with you for so long though. Do you remember when we lived together in college"

Dakota snorted "Yeah, that lasted all of two months before we started trying to kill eachother"

"You almost did kill me"

"It was an accident!"

"How do you waterboard someone on accident?" Jackson asked incredulously

Dakota scoffed "You asked for my help to rinse out the dye when you had the bright idea of going blonde. I did not waterboard you"

The door open, cutting off the pair's argument.

"I leave you two alone for less than five minutes and you're already arguing" Elijah remarked

Dakota and Jackson shot each other playful glares before turning their attention to Elijah.

"According to the landlord, you're looking at another month before they can even get someone to come look at the damage" Elijah explained

Dakota groaned "I just can't catch a break"

"I hate to ask for the fifteenth time" Elijah began "But why don't you just give up the apartment and move in with me? Your non damaged stuff is already there, plus it's closer to the hospital."

"He's also the only one stupid enough to live with you" Jackson grumbled to himself

"But I love-"

A loud creak cut Dakotas sentence short just before the floor under her couch gave out and went it went crashing down into the apartment below.

The three doctors stood there gaping at the giant hole before Jackson and Elijah turned to Dakota with an expectant look.

The brunette sighed "Yeah...okay"


Dakota sat in the ER helping Mark with a patient who had burns covering his leg.

"How's the holiday season treating you so far, Ko?" Mark snickered

Dakota looked up him with a blank look "It's not funny"

"It's pretty funny" The plastic surgeon remarked

A blonde woman approached them "Dr. Sloan?"

Mark and Dakota looked at the girl in mild confusion.

"Um, so this is a little weird" She continued "Uh, my names Sloan Reilly. And my mom's name is Samantha Reilly. And um...I'm pretty sure you're my dad"

Mark froze as Dakotas eyes went wide before she started laughing.

The man looked over at her in disbelief "It's not funny"

Farewell, Neverland - Grey's AnatomyWhere stories live. Discover now