Staring at the sun

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"You look nice today"

Dakota turns toward Mark with an unimpressed look on her face "What do you want?"

"What makes you think I want something?" Mark furrows his brows

Dakota huffs and places her chart down on the counter of the nurses station they had been standing at. "Mark, I haven't slept for more than an hour at a time in almost a week. This is the second night I have been on call. I do not look nice, I look like I belong in the morgue. Stop kissing my ass and tell me what you want."

"I want you on my service today" Mark says "You haven't worked on plastic since I've been here"

Bailey approaches them "Tough luck, Dr. Shepherd is with the other Dr. Shepherd. You want her on your service then you should probably ask in advance because she's in very high demand. Shepherd go."

Dakota nods, grabbing her chart "yes ma'am"

As Dakota rushes away from them, Dr. Bailey gives Mark a firm look.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Mark asks

"You listen to me pretty boy, that girl is my favorite intern. She's the only one who seems to make sensible and rational decisions, she's the only one is not a vulture. I will not let you ruin that. I will not let you ruin her." Bailey tells him

"You do realize I'm an attending, right? I'm your boss"

Bailey purses her lips "And I am Dr. Bailey. I win"


Dakota walks into the intern locker room with Bailey behind her.

"Has anyone seen-" Baileys eyes land on George, who had a chart in his hands. His father chart.

"I was just looking at it" George tells her

Bailey purses her lips "Don't you think me reading it is more important than you reading it?"

George sighs and hands Bailey the chart "Sure. Fine. He's going to be fine"

"You're on SCUT today. You'll be distracted." Bailey tells him.

"No I won't-" George tries to argue

Bailey cut him off "Family members do not treat family members. SCUT."

"I'm scrubbing in on a surgery with Dr. Burke this morning." Cristina tells her resident

"Of course you are. Karev, Sloan. Grey, pit. Shepherd, you're with the other Shepherd . Stevens shadow Karev. And let me remind you again of the rules of your probation."

Alex sighs "I think she knows the rules, Dr. Bailey"

"No touching patients, no talking to patients, no rolling your eyes at patients...or your superiors." Bailey says, ignoring Alex.


"What do we got?" Bailey asks as she, Derek, and Dakota approach the ambulance.

"Mia Hanson. 5 year old female, crush injury to the abdomen. Blunt trauma to the head. Her BP is 90/60. Pulse is 110" The EMT said

"How was she injured?" Dakota questions

"Backed over by her moms SUV"

A woman comes rushing over to them "She's uh... her blood type is A- and she's allergic to penicillin and wheat... I'm so sorry Mia, I am so sorry baby."

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