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Dakota was woken up by the sound of someone pounding on the front door. The girl groaned and turned over in bed, hitting Elijah on the chest.

"Make it stop"

He grabbed her hand and pulled a pillow over his head "It would stop if you answered it"

Dakota just pulled her hand from his grasp and starting hitting his chest again.

Elijah groaned as he finally got up and went to answer the door. When he pulled it open he saw Jackson standing there with an exhausted look on his face.

Elijah sighed and let Jackson in before going back to bed.

"Who was it?" Dakota sleepily mumbles as Elijah climbs back into the bed next to her.


Almost every night for the past week, Jackson had showed up at their door in the middle of the night. He still lived in the apartment that he originally shared with Charles and it was clearly having a negative effect on him.

Dakota rolled out of bed and sat on the couch next to Jackson "you want to talk about it"

"No" Jackson took a deep breath "I just want to sleep"

"I put fresh sheets and blankets on my bed. It's all yours, go get some sleep"


"I'm just tired of waking up at three in the morning" Elijah told Dakota as the couple walked into the hospital.

Dakota looked up at him with a sheepish smile "I know, and I'm sorry. I just can't turn him away, he lost Charles and he's still living in the same-" the woman's words halted when she heard a familiar voice from down the hall.

"It's okay, you can call me hot. I'm hot"

Dakota unlinked her arm from Elijahs and took off down the hall leaving the man to follow after her with a confused expression.

"AMY!" The youngest Shepherd ran towards her sister with a big smile and threw her arms around her "I can't believe you're here. Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

"At least someone is excited to see me" Amelia said, side eyeing Derek. "I brought you a present"

"I thought it was a present for me?" Derek asked

"She'll be more grateful than you are" Amelia told her brother shortly before turning back to her sister "Now talk"

"About what?"

Amelia's eyes shifted toward the man behind Dakota "about that"

"I- uh...I have a trauma department to...I'm gonna go" Elijah quickly turned around and walked away from them.

Derek hummed "He's smart"


"I'm putting Yang on my service, so you will not be on this case" Derek tells Dakota "not that any of us should be on this particular case"

Derek was met with a blank stare from Dakota "You're such an ass sometimes"

"Excuse me? I'm sorry I took you off but I'm trying to-"

"This isn't about Cristina. I'm glad you're helping her. This is about Amy" Dakota saw Derek getting ready to say something so she quickly put her hand up and stopped him "she's our sister whether you like it or not. She's made mistakes but she's putting in the work to improve herself, and as her family we should be trying to help her. Recovering from addiction isn't easy, and it hasn't been easy for her. But you wouldn't know that because you can't be bothered to pick up your damn phone"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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