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As I woke up with aches in my body, I wondered if I had slept wrong. Nonetheless, I rose from bed and made my way to the window, drawing back the curtains to let in the morning light, which helped to wake me up further.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. "Come in," I called out. My maid hurriedly entered, looking flustered. "Your mother is asking for you, princess," she informed me before hastily departing.

I headed to the bathroom to take a bath and complete my skincare routine. Emerging refreshed, I found the maid gone, but a simple dress lay on the bed. Assuming it was meant for me, I picked it up and changed into it.


As I entered the dining area and greeted my parents, my mother seemed to be in a particularly good mood

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As I entered the dining area and greeted my parents, my mother seemed to be in a particularly good mood.

"Good morning, mother, father," I said, bowing respectfully.

"Good morning, dear. Take a seat, I have an announcement," my mother said.

I sat down and began eating, but suddenly my father spoke up.

"My dear daughter, I think it's time for you to join an actual school. You can learn everything about magic now," he declared.

I couldn't believe it. Finally, I was going to leave the castle!

"Really? Thank you!" I exclaimed.

"But you have to keep your identity a secret," my mother added, her voice stern.

"Okay, I understand. When do I start?" I asked eagerly.

"You start tomorrow, but you'll move into the dorms today. The maid has your bags packed. Don't worry," my father assured me.

I nodded excitedly and headed outside to wait for the car. As I waited, I couldn't help but wonder if my friends were also joining me. They were the other three princesses, my childhood friends, and the only ones outside the family who knew each other's secrets.

When the car arrived, I hopped in, brimming with anticipation. After a while, we arrived at the school. The driver informed me that my bags were already in my dorm and that all I needed to do was find the principal's office. With that, he left.

Entering the school, I marveled at its beauty, but my awe was interrupted when I accidentally bumped into a girl.


As we were walking with Jennie and Lisa, I suddenly bumped into a girl. Looking up, I realized it was Jisoo!

"OMG, Soo, I'm sorry! Here, get up! Are you okay??" I exclaimed, feeling guilty.

"Chill, chipmunk, it was my fault. I didn't see where I was going. Sorry," Jisoo replied calmly.

"Enough with the chitchat, we need to find the principal's office. Get up now from that dirty floor, Soo," Jennie said, taking charge of the situation.

"Oh yeah, sorry," Jisoo apologized and got up.

We continued walking, clearly confused, until we saw three cute girls.

"Omg, hi! Sorry, but do you know where the principal's office is? We're a little lost," I asked, hoping they could help us.

"Don't worry, follow us. By the way, my name is Nayeon! These are my sisters Momo and Jihyo!" one of the girls introduced herself.

"Hello, my name is Chaeyoung, but you can call me Rosé. That is Jennie, Jisoo, and Lisa!" I said, introducing the others.

The girls showed us the way to the office. Once we made it, we knocked and waited to see if we could go in.

"Come in!" a woman's voice called out.

We entered, and the others said they would wait outside.

"Oh, hello. I am your principal. My name is Youngsun, or Solar. Here you go, it's your schedule, keys for the dorms, and a map so you won't get lost. Now please go out, I have a lot of things to do," the principal said, handing us the necessary items.

We bowed and left the office. Jihyo said they would show us our dorm and then give us a tour of the whole place.

We arrived at our dorms, and believe it or not, all seven of us, including Jihyo and the others, are roommates!

After unpacking, we headed out for the tour.

"Let's go, girlies!" Momo exclaimed excitedly.

After a while, we reached the cafeteria, where all the yummy food is served. It's my favorite place!

We returned to our dorms and got ready for sleep. Finally, we were free and could go outside of the castle! But before I slept, I took out a picture. It was a picture of me and my friends as young kids. Cute, right?

Anyways, goodnight world, nature, and everything else.

A/N: so I wanna apologize if my grammar is bad. I did this the second I woke up my Brain has is not fully functioning so yeah! BYEE

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