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I am officially tired of life. Like why do we have to train so much? It brings me back memories to how it was when I was a kid.

But now my friends are here so it's less boring. But before I was always in the library reading and reading. I have read about 10,000 books my whole life. And not cute fantasy or romance books, no I had to read about our history and facts about the powers.

And guess what? The little cabin we have also has a library and I was TOLD to spend most of my time there.

"How was it like sleeping in the library" Jennie said and gave me a cup of coffee

"So comfy, you should try one day" I said in a sarcastic voice and rolled my eyes

"I have to pass that offer. I need my beauty sleep." And with that she left

I quickly drank my coffee and made my way back to the library to continue reading a book about fairy animals.

While reading I glanced at the window and saw something shimmering. My curiosity took over so I closed the book and walked outside.

Once I reached the place I saw a little squirrel stuck in a bush. I quickly made my way towards the bush to release the poor animal.

Once I finally untangled the squirrel it jumped up to try and hug me. Suddenly I teleported to another place. It looked like I was in another universe.

Before I could say anything a lady like voice spoke up first "congratulations! Princess of the winds! You are the last and final princess to find your bonded fairy animal! Your powers are now connected. Once you can turn into a fairy the flying squirrel will become into a magical creature!"

"Ohh it can fly" the realization hit me when I saw the squirrel fly around really fast.

We returned back to the same place I first found it. And it was still flying so I caught it with my hands and made it calm down.

"So tell me, what's your name?" I asked the little squirrel who was now sitting on my lap

"I dont have one.." it said in a quite high voice

"How about flitter? That name suits you. Do you like it?" 

"Sounds good!" It said and dashed into the cabin so I quickly ran after it


"AHH UNNIE WHAT IS THAT FOR FLYING ANIMAL?" Lisa said and literally jumped into jungkooks arms for protection only for him to drop her due to the electric shock.

"OWIE" Lisa tackled jungkook to the ground so now they are both on the floor laughing like maniacs. Making everyone come out of their rooms to see what happened

"Ehm so that flying squirrel is my fairy animal. And his name is Flitter!" I walked passed and went into my room

"Damn sassy" Jin said and sat next to me on the bed closing the door behind him only for Jennie to yell, telling him to not do anything nasty


Gosh these siblings will be the death of me I thought and rested my head on Jins shoulder

He put his arm around my waist before giving me a small kiss on my head.

"You should sleep" he got up and made me lay down on the bed before pulling the blanket over me then walking out of the room.

I didn't know how tired I was until I finally fell asleep.

Me and jimin were currently planting flowers in the garden while the rest were doing i dont know what.

I must say we have gotten really close and.. I may or not have developed feelings for him. Just thinking about it makes my cheeks heat up

"Oo what are u blushing about?" Jimin nudged me making me get back into reality

"O-oh what?? N-n-othing" gosh why did I stutter

Once we were done planting the flowers for the day I took of the gloves

"Good work!" I said and started walking away until I felt someone tap me

"What?" I turned around and saw jimin holding a flower

"Rosé.." he said in a low tone

"What is this?" I asked and took the flower from his hand

"I wonder if.. Ehm how do I say this.. would you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked making me literally scream inside

"What? Omg yess!" I said and hugged him completely ignoring the electric shock

I looked at him after pulling away from the hug. Our eyes locked in a moment of shared vulnerability and anticipation. I felt the space between us close up and the next thing I know. His soft lips on mine. It felt like the world just stopped. I wish we could stay like this forever.

Once we pulled apart I heard someone giggling


I feel so embarrassed I don't know how to explain it. I just covered my face with my hands.

I felt hands on my waist and someone pulling me closer to them. The smell made me realize that jimin pulled me closer to him his hands on my waist now.

"HOW CUTE OMG DID YOU SEE THAT!!" Jennie said while her,Jisoo and Lisa were jumping,hugging and squealing

"You ruined their moment!" Taehyung said before dragging Jennie out. And Jin did the same, jungkook just somehow made Lisa stop gushing and made her also get inside. Leaving me and jimin outside

"Well.. that was something." He said and I nodded

"We should get inside, Its cold out here." It was already afternoon

"Wait" jimin pulled me into another long hug making me instantly feel warm. Once we pulled apart we made our way inside. We thought we would find the others there but they no one was there. Instead I saw two notes on the table

Note 1
"We went out to buy groceries so you can have some alone time. Please if anything happens don't make Rosie pregnant. We will be back before night.

"What do they think of us?" Jimin was embarrassed while i was just giggling

"Always a protective mother. If it was Jennie or Lisa they would threaten you or something.

Note 2
"Okay listen here Park jimin. You will treat Rosé like the Queen she is. If I see her crying because of someone you have done I swear I will make sure u can't have kids in the future. Or I will chase you dont with a BURNING bat. Watch out... anyways I will make sure to get some chocolate for the both of you! -Jennie💋"

"Told ya!" I was laughing my ass off when I saw the fear in his eyes.


We watched a movie in the living room while waiting for them to come back.

We were cuddled up when the front door opened and they came inside

"Hello! Glad you didn't do anything dirty!" Jisoo was first to get inside

"Chocolate for the both of you as promised" Jennie was glaring at jimin ready for a fight

"Haha.. yeah chocolate yum!" He said hiding his face in a pillow

"Whatever I'm gonna sleep!" I said getting up and walking to my room jimin following me quickly

"She's scary!" Jimin laid down in the bed as I giggled and went beside him.

"Goodnight" I said and he kissed my head


A/N: OMG THIS CHAPTER IS SO CUTE😍 next chapter is gonna be short☹️... but you will still love it promise!! This maybe will be my last chapter in a while or I will also update tomorrow. I don't know 🤷‍♀️ well bye!!

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