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The beginning of school was a chaos. Boys asking the girls out and the girls crying because their crush didn't ask them out.

"Ugh I'm tired 10 boys asked me to be their date and when I said no they called ME UGLY" Lisa complained

"Can't say the same the boys just started crying when I said no" Jennie said

"Whatever you will only say yes if it is your mate." Jisoo said

"Yeah? I'm not allowed to ask the boys and I'm not allowed to say yes to anyone else?" Jennie said

"She's right the rules are from our parents. We have to be nice and patient." Rosé added

"Oh talking about the boys Jungkook asked me to go out for lunch. So I'm not coming with you to the cafeteria sorry" Lisa said

"Oo the same with tae!" Jennie said "Oo Jennie has a nickname for Taehyung already!" Jisoo teased

"Soo. Respectfully shut the hell up. I heard you call my brother JINNIE." She fired back "ok ok but I'm not eating with you rosé Jin also asked me out" jisoo said

"Ehm who said I am eating there? Chim also asked me out." Rosé said

And the girls conversation continued like that. The boys conversation was no different.

"I feel bad for the girls asking Namjoon,suga or Hope out. Their girls literally have been clinging onto them the whole day so other girls stay away" Jungkook said

"Yeah but seriously you three have to stop being jealous we all know you want that too." Jin said

"Maybe but the girls should stop asking Kookie and Tae out. If Lisa And Jennie heard that they would threaten the hell out of them." Jimin said

"I would want that. The random girls could back away so I can finally be in peace" Taehyung said "True" jungkook added

"Whatever the next class starts soon let's go" Jin said


Lunch was about to start so I waited for Jin to come so we could go and eat.

"Sorry I'm late I had something to do" he said while panting.

"It's okay come the car is there" I said

Jin opened the car door for me. So I went into the passenger seat while he went into the drivers seat. The car was really fancy not gonna lie. It was white perfect for the Solaria cars.

The car drive was not that long but not short

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The car drive was not that long but not short. It was like a 20 minute drive.

"Aren't we gonna be late for the next class?" I asked

"We aren't going to the next lesson. It is training and we are two of the strongest students. We don't really need it." He said and I nodded.

We were in a fancy restaurant cute.

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