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I woke up in the middle of the night hearing something or someone calling for me.

I got up went out and saw no one in the dorm. But the voice kept on calling for me. I don't know who it is and what it wants. But all I know is that I need to help them.

I sneaked outside the dorm and went to the schools garden. I looked around and saw nothing.

"In the woods. Come help.." the voice said. It is a weak voice. Without thinking I made my way to the forbidden woods.

Before stepping in I heard someone yell.

"LALISA DONT GO IN! ITS A TRAP STOP!" I looked behind me and saw the girls and boys.

"What do you mean?" I asked my head starting to hurt

"It's a trap trust me! No one needs help just come back fast!" Jisoo said

"How did you know someone was calling?" I asked

"I saw you going outside. So I contacted the others and Jungkook read your mind." Nayeon said

"But what if someone needs help? We can't just leave them!" I yelled

"I know but I scanned the woods and no one needs help!" Namjoon said

I nodded and walked back.

"NO HELP I NEED HELP DONT LISTEN TO THEM HELP!" The voice was now screaming. It put my hands on my ears as the voice kept on yelling.

"Lisa are you okay?" Jennie asked

"The voice is yelling. I feel like my head is gonna explode" I said as I fell to the ground hands still on my ears.

"Shush. It's okay we are here. Calm down the voice will go away once you really believe that it's a monster." Rosé said hugging me

As I calmed down the voice stopped. So I hugged rosé back

"Thank you." I said tears falling down my eyes.

"It's okay. But let's go back, I'm cold" Jennie said and I giggled while nodding

"Come to our dorm. I'll give you some hot chocolate." Jin said so we all went to the boys dorm.

I sat down on the couch hugging myself and shivering. It was really cold, I have never been this cold before. I must have a fever

"Here, a blanket you must be really cold" jungkook said "thanks" I said with a smile wrapping the blanket around me.

A few minutes later I got some hot chocolate that Jin made.

"Lily are you okay? You're freezing." Jisoo said softly.

"I don't know." I said

Jennie put her hand on my forehead to see if I had a fever.

"Oh my! You're steaming hot. Let me take your temperature." She said and took my temperature.

"Awh my poor baby has a fever!" Jisoo said and put my head on her lap and started playing with my hair

"You guys should sleep here. It's better if we stay close from now on. If anything happens it's best if we are all together." Namjoon said

"Ok. But do you guys even have room for us?" Jisoo said

"Hmm we can share Rooms with our mates!" Jhope said

"Oh hold up! Only you are actually together not the rest of us! It would be so uncomfortable!" Rosé said

"It's the best we have. If us boys share rooms most of us will get into a fight." Suga said

"Still!" Jennie started "it's weird and weird!"

"Didn't you all share tents while we were camping?"momo said

"Well yeah but that was different!" Jungkook said

"No more arguments! You are going to have to live with it. The girls will get their stuff tomorrow and basically move in here" Namjoon said

"So unfair! Jin aren't you older than them? Why can't you decide and stop this!" I said

"I am but Namjoon is basically the leader I have no say." Jin said

"He actually does have a say. But he wants to share a room with jisoo nonna!" Jungkook said

"Oh shut it kiddo!" Jin said

"Anyways... if you guys do ANY kind of funny business I will be ready with my bat!" Jennie said

"Don't worry. They care to much about their looks. They wouldn't want it to be burned." Jhope

"Well let's sleep now. We have a long day tomorrow" Namjoon said and everyone went into their shared rooms

"You sleep on the bed ill sleep on the couch" I said to jungkook

"NUH uh! You're sick, go sleep on the bed I can manage." He said

"But it's your room. I don't wanna intrude." I said

"You're not. Just sleep on the bed." He said, took a pillow and blanket then went to the couch in the room.

(Each and every room have couches)

I just went to the bed, got myself comfortable and drifted to sleep.

A/N: omg I cannot explain how happy I am! 2k reads already? That's amazing! I want to thank you all for voting and reading the book in general.❤️

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