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The sun is up. It is currently 6am and all the princesses all over gardenia are stressed. It is the day of the ball.

"Oh my goodness! Calm down princess please take a shower and I will put out your dress." Jisoos maid told Her when she saw how stressed Jisoo was.

"Okay thank you!" Jisoo replied while walking towards the bathroom.

In all honesty the ball was not until 8pm. But the royals are gonna have a breakfast then they will go to salons together. That is why Jisoo is stressing.

Jisoo got out of the bathroom feeling refreshed and saw a beautiful dress on her bed. She took her dress and walked towards her massive walk in closet full of dresses and gowns.

She put her dress on and looked in the mirror. Thinking something was missing Jisoo one of her Dior bags and put it on. Feeling satisfied with her outfit she made her way downstairs towards the front gate where her parents and driver were waiting.

 Feeling satisfied with her outfit she made her way downstairs towards the front gate where her parents and driver were waiting

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Once the family arrived at the fancy private restaurant they went out of the limo and saw that they were the first ones to arrive.

After a minute or 2 they saw 2 limos and 1 car arrive. One was solarias the other was Melody and the car was the witches.

Greeting everyone who arrived a few minutes after all of the other royals arrived.

"Wonderful we are all here let's go in shall we?" Jisoos mother said and everyone walked in.

"Well today is the ball are you kids exited?" Taehyung father said and all the teenagers nodded.

"That's great! Well you kids share that table while we adults share the other table next to yours." Jhopes mother said and walked away.

I sat down next to my girlfriends and we started chatting waiting for the waiters.

"Here's the menu! Take your time!" The waiter said and walked away.

We took a menu for themselves and decided their meals. I heard lisa muttering some curse words because Rosé chose some seafood.

The beautiful breakfast meals came and we all started eating and chatting a little.

"Today's the worst! I woke up with a puffy face and it took me like a whole hour to fix it!" Rosé said whining

"Well you deserve it fish killer!" Lisa said with a glare.

"Ok stop! It is too early for this just eat up!" Jennie said while massaging her head.

Once we all finished eating we went back to our cars and the drivers drove us to the salon. But our parents didn't come because they needed to discuss something important.

It was currently 2pm because it took a long time to get to this salon. It is the best of all the salons in gardenia.

We went into separate rooms. One for the boys and one for the girls.

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