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We have been training non stop these days. We have to be ready at all cost.

We learned how to combine our powers together to make elemental reactions. And we got really close to the boys like we are besties now.

But I keep on having the same strange dreams. I feel like they're a sign of something but I don't know what.

"Jisoo unnie wake up!" Rosé said as she stormed into my room.

"Go away I'm tired" I said and turned my back against her.

"Come! We have to practice" rosé said and literally carried me off the bed

"Put me down ok I'll wake up!" I said and she finally put me down so went to the bathroom to get ready for the day.


I went out of the room and saw the boys in our dorm

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I went out of the room and saw the boys in our dorm.

"Has something happened?" I asked as there was a strange tension in the air

"Ehm how do we say this.. we realized that we all got the same dreams. Is the same thing going on with you?" Jin said

"Those weird dreams about something tragic yeah." I answered.

"Then it clears things up. Those are not usual dreams. But it is the future. That will happen in the day of the war." Rm said

"Wait what? But it is about someone dying?" Lisa said.

"Sadly that's how it is gonna be." He continued

"WAIT WHAT? But in my dream the whole school was laying unconscious." Rosé said

Just then something exploded making the whole dormitories fall apart.

"AHH" everyone were screaming as we were falling down from the FIFTH FLOOR!

I quickly summoned some flyable clouds and made sure no one in the dormitory got hurt.

"What the hell was that?" Jennie said


"THE WAR IS COMING CLOSER AND CLOSER EACH DAY." The black shadow said and then disappeared, only for some monsters to appear

We quickly started to fight the monsters. After a while the monsters were all gone!

"That was a lot easier than before! Thanks to all that training." Jungkook said

"Still it is not enough to defeat the enemies. We have to continue training. This time in the woods" Jennie said

"THE WOODS? But isn't that like not allowed? It is the red zone!" Lisa said

"Not those woods dumbass! The other one next to the school!" Rosé said


"SHUSH! Let's go and train we don't have much time." I said

"WAIT! There's something we need to tell you girls" the witches said

"And that is?" Jennie said

"Basically to defeat the evil king you have to get your final form!" Nayeon said

"Final form?" I said

"Yes! You get your final form once you are determined to fight. The same for the boys. Once you prove yourself worthy the boys get special equipment while you girls basically become fairies" jihyo said

"How come I didn't know about it? It should be somewhere in the books" I said

"Only the witches know about it and when you will get it. But we are not allowed to tell you anything more than that. The rest is up to fate." Momo said

"Whatever thanks for the information but let's train now." Jimin said and we all went to the woods to train

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