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It was currently 5am and I needed to leave 6:30 so I can get to school. It takes a while to get to school when I'm in my home town.

Many people don't know what kind of magic I have etc but I am actually a witch. (Wizard Namjoon and witch Jihyo🫣) so my home town/realm is 'Witdeaxus' also known as 'nexus of the witches'

I just ate breakfast and now I'm gonna pack my bags. I'm supposed to arrive there at 7:30 so I have time to go to my dorm and put my luggage there before school starts.

I went to Witdeaxus because my mother asked for me. She said it was urgent so I had to get her as quickly as possible.

Before heading out I looked at the mirror to see my outfit for the last time

Before heading out I looked at the mirror to see my outfit for the last time

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Cute right?

I have to take the bus back ugh

~after a while~

"OMG WELCOME BACK UNNIE HOW WAS IT!" She said as she saw me enter the dorms.

"Hi Lily and it was okay, I missed my mom" I answered before going into my room

"Jihyo what happened there? I know it was an important meeting." Nayeon said as she walked into my room.

"I'll tell you later let's go to class now" I said and walked off

Once we arrived I realized that the girls and boys were really close. Did something happen at the dinner?

My thoughts were cut off when the teacher started the lesson.

"Okay so listen up! The trainings will be harder now as we got the first sign of the war. Dark creatures have been appearing in the city and if they appear here we need to be ready so please take this seriously-" the teacher was cut off as the class started panicking.

"Will we die"
"I haven't even gotten the new broom 2000!"
"Nuh uh this cannot be happening! Jungkook isn't even my boyfriend yet!"

"Wait what?" Jungkook looked as Someone died Infront of him while Lisa was sulking in the corner.

"SHUSH! All The royal families will hold a masquerade ball. And there the princesses will be announced. And the princes will be their official guards." Once the teacher was finished talking The Bell Rang meaning it is lunch time.

"Yay lunch!!" Rosé ran towards the cafeteria and sat at our usual table.

"Okay here I ordered food" jisoo said as the put the trays of food down on the table.

"Mind if we sit here?" Namjoon said as he and the other boys walked up to our table

"Oh feel free to take a seat!" Momo said and then all the boys sat down.

"Ehm so about the ball did you know that would happen? My parents didn't inform me" Jennie started

"I texted our parents and they said that we didn't need to worry and that they bought everyone's outfits. And they were informed about who's mate it who so they bought matching for all." Jin said making everyone nod

"Well we still need to go to the mall to buy traning clothes. Mines old and ugly. Anyone wanna come?" Jisoo said and everyone nodded.

"The ball is happening in 3 days! We have to go today! I need my beauty sleep and I we need to go back to the palace the day before!" Jennie said pouting and everyone laughing at her

"She's right tho!" I said. They told me about them being princess yesterday on call.

"Anyways let's go to class" rosé said as she picked her backpack up walking away.

"She is in a bad mood. Is she okay?" Lisa asked

"I know what happened! Jimin flirted with a girl before class and rosé saw it and she has been ignoring him for the whole day now!" Jungkook said

"WHAT? Listen up jimin. I know you are not together YET but Rosé is a nice and kind hearted girl. She can easily be heartbroken! Hurt her again and I will go into your dorm with a BURNING Baseball bat!" Jennie said as she took her bag and went to rosé

The rest of the girls went and Jimin just sat there with his head hung low.

"Are you okay?" Jin asked

"NO! That Jennie girl is scary and I didn't mean to hurt Rosé. I am just used to flirting with girls!" He fired back

"Well try to stop if you don't wanna hurt her. And if you don't wanna be beaten up by Jennie. Not gonna lie I lowkey feel bad for Taehyung." Jungkook Said

"HEY! At least she can protect people she loves! And why are we talking about me now? Let's just get to class and jimin apologize if you don't wanna hurt her more." Taehyung said walking away with the others.

A/N this is a lazy update sorry❤️ I will try to edit some of the chapters I realized I made a lot of mistakes so sorry

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