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?? POV
Soon my plan will start and all of gardenia is MINE! I've been waiting here since the last princess but I'm finally strong enough for my revenge.

My little helpers have helped me gain all this power and energy. The four princess have no chance against me this time. I'm stronger than EVER!! Just wait and see...

The four girls were currently walking around the schools garden getting some fresh air.

It has been a week since the ball, the princes and princesses are getting closer day by day. Who knows maybe they will get together soon...

While walking they hear screams coming from the school.

"Did you guys hear that or am I hearing things?" Lisa said while looking around

"No I definitely heard something from the school. Let's go and see" Jisoo said and started walking away the others following.

Once they arrived they saw some monsters. Not the ones they usually fight in school. These ones are 2x the size.

The princes were fighting along with the teachers and witches (jihyo,nayeon and momo)

"Let's help them" Jennie said and started attacking the monsters as the other girls joined.

Rosé couldn't help but see some students in the corner of the hall smirking

She ignored them and continued to fight along with her friends.

If they defeated one monster another one came. Some couldn't hold on so they fainted or got hit by the monster.

"I can't hold on anymore" jimin said and then he got hit really hard making him fly across the hall.

"JIMIN!" His friends yelled some stopping to help him.

"Guys go continue fighting i can handle it" he said

"Okay but rosé stay here and make sure he is safe" Jisoo said and rosé nodded.

Jennie was still holding strong fighting the monsters but with a sudden attack from the monsters she got hit in stomach making her fall.

"Ugh these fuckers" Jennie said as she started to attack them even more.

Once all the monsters were gone a black shadow appeared. There was a face in the middle.

With a deep demonic voice the black shadow said
"I see you kids are strong but not strong enough to defeat me the ONE AND ONLY KING OF GARDENIA" and with that the shadow disappeared.

"What should we do? It is clear the demon king is stronger than all of us." Lisa said

"We have to train. And most importantly don't lose hope!!" RM said and the rest nodded

"But we don't have anything to train with. The school only has the small versions." Jungkook said

"Oh I know! The woods are full of monsters their size! Or we can go to my traning place! They have all of those monsters!" Jennie said.

"Not the woods that's creepy let's go to your training place tomorrow okay? We should rest today especially jimin." Jisoo said

And with that they left to get some rest and get treatment for their wounds.

(Who's those students?)

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