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As I woke up, a cool breeze greeted me, along with the soft morning light streaming in through the open front door. A delicious smell wafted in, making me realize I'd crashed on the living room floor last night. Everyone else was already up, except for Suga, Nayeon, and Rosé, who were still snoozing nearby. I stretched and got ready to join the others.

Stepping outside, I spotted the fairy animals frolicking with Cherie, their playful antics bringing a smile to my face. Over by the grill, the boys were busy grilling some meat, while Jennie and Jisoo were hard at work, chopping vegetables at the table.

"Seems like someone finally decided to join the land of the living," Jungkook teased, but I just rolled my eyes, too tired to engage in banter at the moment.

"Give her a break, it's too early for this," Jisoo chimed in, motioning for me to take a seat at the table.

"Totally getting summer vibes from this," I remarked with a smile, appreciating the relaxed atmosphere.

"It's mostly Rosie's handiwork. She planted all the flowers, making it look beautiful," Jennie credited.

"What about me?" Rosé joined us, still rubbing her eyes.

"Just admiring your hard work," I replied with a smile.

"Can you two please get ready? The food will be ready soon," Jisoo reminded us.

"Are we having this for breakfast?" Rosie asked, a hint of confusion in her voice.

"Lunch actually. You two just decided to sleep in a bit," Jennie clarified with a playful smirk.

We went inside and got ready for the day before waking up Nayeon, and then instructing her to wake Suga up, as he's a bit scary when someone other than Nayeon wakes him up.

Back outside, we found them putting the food on the table.
"Where are Jihyo and Momo?" Nayeon asked, noticing their absence.

"They just went to get something, they'll be back soon," J-Hope answered. Nayeon nodded and sat down next to Suga.

"We're back! Here, I got the fresh fruits," Jihyo said, placing the bowl of fruits on the table.

"Well, everyone's here. Let's eat before we split up again," Namjoon said, sitting down next to Jihyo.

I sat down at the edge of the table, and Jungkook sat next to me.

We ate lunch peacefully before bidding goodbye to the guests. Some of us went to train while the others stayed back to clean up the house.

Jungkook, Rosé, Jimin, and I opted to stay behind and tackle the cleaning chores.

"We're all done now, right?" Jimin asked, glancing around the tidy room. Rosé nodded with a satisfied smile.

"How about we watch some movies until dinner?" Jungkook suggested, and the rest of us readily agreed, looking forward to some relaxation time together.

He selected a horror film called "Scream" while Rosé went to fetch the popcorn. Once we were all settled and ready, the movie began, enveloping us in suspense and excitement.


Cherie and I were helping Jisoo with her new powers. We guided her on flying, dodging attacks while soaring through the sky, and even how to launch her own attacks while airborne.

Even though I hadn't manifested my own powers yet, I was eager to assist and support Jisoo's training. I took turns attacking her, giving her the chance to practice evading, and then tried to dodge her counterattacks in return. It was a team effort to enhance her abilities and get her ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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