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"LALISA, WAKE UP!" Nayeon screamed.

"Wait, 5 more minutes..."


"WHAT??" Why didn't she tell me, ugh.

I ran straight to the bathroom, took a quick shower, and did my skincare routine.

Afterward, I picked out a cute outfit for the day.

Afterward, I picked out a cute outfit for the day

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I checked the time and realized...

Nayeon fooled me! We still had lots of time left!

Heading out of the room, I joined everyone in the dining area for a simple breakfast.

Heading out of the room, I joined everyone in the dining area for a simple breakfast

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As we settled into our seats, the teacher announced a seating arrangement change.

"Alright, everyone, listen up," he began, capturing the attention of the class. "I've assigned seats for everyone. Up front, we've got Jisoo and Jin, followed by Nayeon and Yoongi. Behind them, Momo and Hoseok, and at the back, Jihyo and Namjoon."

He paused for a moment before continuing, "Moving on to the next row, we have Jennie and Taehyung, followed by Jimin and Rosé, and finally, Lisa and Jungkook."

The class shuffled around to their new seats, and I found myself adjusting to my new spot next to Jungkook.

The class shuffled around to their new seats, and I found myself adjusting to my new spot next to Jungkook

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(They sit like that, the empty seats are with other classmates)

I went and sat next to Jungkook, and let me tell you, he's annoying. He keeps flirting with me!

"Can you just shut up?" I snapped.

"Aww, is the doll mad?" he teased.

"Don't call me a doll, you bunny face!" I retorted. "If you don't want me to call you that, say my name right. It's Jungkook."

"Fine, Jungkook. Now shut the hell up," I grumbled.

"Hey! Stop flirting back there, Lisa and Jungkook, detention!" the teacher scolded.

Great, now look what he did, the idiot. My friends were smirking at me. I'll totally get back at them later.


After class, we strolled into the cafeteria.

"Look who's getting into trouble with the ladies," Jimin teased, nudging me.

"Watch it, Jimin, or I'll give you a new hairstyle," I shot back, making him visibly uneasy. The boy was way too attached to his hair.

"Watch your language!" Jin hyung scolded.

"Sorry, mom," I replied sheepishly.

We grabbed our lunch and settled down when a piercing scream echoed across the cafeteria. I glanced over to see Nancy in a heated exchange with Lisa?


We were having lunch, poking fun at Lisa for what went down in class, when suddenly a girl charged over, accusing Lisa of flirting with someone called Kookie.

"Stay away from him!" she shouted.

"Hey, if you want a cookie, just go buy one," Lisa snapped back, unfazed by the girl's drama.

"OK, OK, calm down. Your breath isn't helping the situation," I chimed in, Seriously, the girl needed a mint.

The girl kept on with her threats, but Jisoo scoffed, asking her how she planned to hurt us.

"We are the four princesses!" Her friend chimed in, trying to sound tough.

For a moment, the onlookers bought into it, gasping in surprise.

"Aren't princesses supposed to be nice, pretty, and help people, not attack them?" Nayeon shot back, earning laughs from the crowd.

Realizing her intimidation tactics weren't working, the girl bolted, embarrassed.

"Nice one, Nayeon!" Rosé praised, impressed by her quick wit.

"It wasn't much, but she was clearly harassing my friends, so I had to speak up," Nayeon replied humbly.

With the tension defused, we left the cafeteria, satisfied from our meal and grateful for the bond we shared.


When Nancy made her claim, I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. It was pretty clear to me that princesses didn't behave like that.

"Wait, are Momoland really the princesses?" Namjoon asked, his brow furrowed in confusion. "Nah, princesses don't act that way," I replied, earning nods of agreement from the others.

After finishing our meal, we headed to our next class. I sat next to Jisoo, waiting for the teacher to arrive.

When she did, she announced that we'd be going on a field trip to learn more about our powers since the school lacked natural environments like forests or lakes where those with earth or water magic could train effectively.

We'd be paired up for the trip, and the pairs were to be based on our seating arrangements. Each group needed to prepare a bag with essentials like water, a first aid kit, and food.

Jisoo and I quickly made a list of what we needed to get. "How about we go shopping for these things tomorrow after school? The field trip isn't for another three days anyway," Jisoo suggested, and I nodded in agreement. We said our goodbyes and headed back to our dorms as class ended.

Back at the dorm, my friends and I chatted about girls, food, and Suga's obsession with sleep. "The new girls are actually pretty cute! I talked to Rosé, and she's so nice," Jimin mentioned. "Just don't mess with her feelings, Jimin. Besides, she might not be your type," I warned.

"I didn't say I was going to mess with her feelings. Plus, she's actually my ideal type. I wonder if she's my mate," Jimin mused dreamily, earning an eye roll from Taehyung. "Keep dreaming, hyung," he chuckled before heading off to bed.

"Goodnight, kiddos. I'm off to sleep," I said, retreating to my room for some much-needed rest.

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