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As it was my turn, I prepared myself for whatever challenge awaited. Suddenly, a dark creature materialized before me. It was a dark shadow, a type of entity I had read about once before.

As I faced the dark shadow, I recalled what I had read about them - their weak spot was their head

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As I faced the dark shadow, I recalled what I had read about them - their weak spot was their head. With determination, I aimed my attacks at its head, despite its relentless assaults on me.

In a moment of inspiration, I decided to employ a trick. I created an illusion, making it appear as though I was targeting its leg, while actually striking at its head. The creature attempted to evade my attack, but my strategy succeeded, and the blow landed true.

With a poof, the shadow dissipated into nothingness.

"Wow, that was something, Jisoo! It took you 8 minutes, so you are in class A! Congratulations!" the teacher announced.

A sense of accomplishment washed over me as I glanced at my friends, who looked thrilled for me. I waved to them, and they responded with thumbs up.

"Okay, next up is Jennie!"

I couldn't wait to see how she would handle the challenge.


"Next up is Jennie!" the teacher announced, and my heart raced with excitement.

"Yes! It's me!" I exclaimed, feeling pumped.

I got up, stretched, and assured the teacher that I was ready for whatever challenge awaited me.

The same shadow that Jisoo unnie fought appeared, it's smaller than what I'm used to, as I regularly trained by battling such creatures.

With determination, I aimed my attacks at its head, following Jisoo's strategy. It didn't take long before I landed a decisive blow, causing the shadow to dissipate. However, before it vanished completely, it launched a final attack at me. But with practiced agility, I smoothly dodged it by executing a cartwheel to the left.

In what felt like no time at all, I had vanquished the shadow.

"Okay, wow, 5 minutes. Jennie, you are in class A! Congratulations!" the teacher exclaimed.

I looked over at Jisoo, who wore a proud and supportive expression, and she enveloped me in a hug. Glancing at my brother, Jin, I exchanged a smile with him, feeling a rush of warmth.

"Next up is Rosé," the teacher announced, and I cheered inwardly, excited to see my wifey's skills on display. ❤️


"Next up is Rosé," the teacher announced, and I felt a surge of nervousness flood through me.

Taking a deep breath, I got up and prepared myself. Giving the teacher a thumbs-up to signal that I was ready to begin, I braced myself for the challenge ahead.

As the shadow appeared, I followed the tactics of my unnies, focusing my attacks on its head. Drawing upon my affinity for nature, I summoned vines from the ground to ensnare the shadow's limbs, rendering it immobile. With the shadow restrained, I relentlessly targeted its head, determined to land a decisive blow.

However, in my excitement, I momentarily forgot that the shadow could disperse and reform. Undeterred, I continued my assault, repeating my attacks until I finally struck its head.

"Good job! That took 7 minutes. Class A for you, Rosé," the teacher commended.

Ecstatic, I jumped and rushed to my unnies, enveloping them in a joyous hug.

"Last person to fight is Lisa," the teacher announced, and I eagerly awaited to see how my friend would fare.


"Last person to fight is Lisa," the teacher announced, and I felt the weight of anticipation settle upon me. Would I be able to match the skill of my friends and earn a place in class A?

Pushing aside my doubts, I focused on the task at hand. As the shadow materialized before me, I engaged in combat, dodging its attacks and delivering my own strikes. Though I managed to land a hit on its arm, I knew that my ultimate goal was to target its head.

Summoning my courage, I made my move, aiming my attack at the shadow's head. To my surprise and relief, I succeeded on my first try, delivering a decisive blow.

"Wow, Lisa, you're in class A with 6 minutes! Congratulations!" the teacher exclaimed.

Overwhelmed with joy, I rushed to join my friends, embracing them in a celebratory hug.

Noticing Jennie engaged in conversation with her brother Jin, I smiled to myself, knowing the special bond they shared—a secret known only to me, Rosé, and Jisoo.

As we returned to the dormitory, we enjoyed a meal together before drifting off to sleep, reflecting on the events of the day. Indeed, it had been a long and rewarding journey.

A/N 3 chapters in only one day😭 I don't do long chapters but yeah. Hope you guys like it❤️

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