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The boys went into their next class and sat at their seats. When Jimin sat down Rosé looked out of the window ignoring him.

"Ehm Rosé I'm sorry for flirting with other girls. I'm gonna stop flirting with others now. I wanna be true to you." He said she looked at him straight in the eyes making him feel lost in her eyes. They look so innocent and hurt.

"It is okay don't worry. I'm sorry for ignoring you ChimChim" She said with a small smile making jimin break eye-contact. He thought of the nickname she just gave him, Cute.

Jimin felt relieved that Rosé forgave him. Just then the teacher came in making him listen to the lesson.

I am happy that Jimin apologized. Now there isn't a bad tension in the air as before.

School for the day ended and the girls told me that we are gonna go shopping so we went together with the boys towards the bus that will take us to the mall.

Once we arrived we parted ways like the last time. I am with Jimin walking around. We went to Dior,YSL and other stores looking for traning supplies and clothes. Jennie told us what we need to have a good Training experience. She knows a lot about this sense she needed to train for her whole life. As she is the princess of war.

The same with others. Lisa needed to learn how to become a mermaid and swim and help the water animals. Jisoo needed to learn and study about magic and creatures. I needed to learn about all the plants and how to plant them.

We had no childhood we all needed to learn how to be good future wives,princess and good daughters at the same time. Life was hard in The Castle that is why we all were happy so finally leave the castle and explore gardenia more.

Lost in my thoughts Jimin flicked my forehead to Bring me out of the thoughts.

"OW WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" I screamed while touching my forehead.

" You were lost in thoughts you should thank me." He said

"Oh really? Thank you a lot." I said with a smile

"Let's go the others are waiting in the restaurant"

"Okay" I replied and we walked towards the restaurant.

We were currently waiting in the restaurant for the others. I overheard some aunties talking

"Look at that lovely couple they are so cute!"
"I know right!"

I saw Lisa blushing when she heard them. We were sitting next to each other alone waiting for the others.

"Oh look who is blushing did something happen?" Taehyung said when he took a seat.

"Probably I heard those aunties talking" Jennie said as she joined him.

"Stop teasing them they are already red as a tomato." Jin said when he came with Jisoo.

"STOPPP" Lisa said covering her face. I just looked away from everyone trying to hide my face.

"Anyways let's order I'm hungry!" Rosé said when she took a seat

When everyone was eating I got a message from my mom

Jungkook i heard your mate is a princess. I wanna meet her. Make her your date in the ball so I can meet her❤️

                                I'll see what I can do goodbye mom

Goodbye dear!

I closed my phone and continued to eat.

We were all done so we went back to the dorms and go ready for sleep. I told Lisa to meet me behind the school tomorrow before lunch. She was a bit suspicious but she said yes!

Before sleeping I went to the living room where everyone was.

"Hyungs who are you taking to the ball?"

"Oh I'm taking Jihyo, Suga is taking Nayeon, Hope is taking Momo. I dont know about the rest." Namjoon said

"I'm probably taking Jisoo"

"Yeah I'm gonna ask Jen"

"I'm asking rosé what about you Kookie?"

"I'm gonna ask Lisa tomorrow at lunch"

"Oh good idea we all should take them on a date!" Jin said as the rest nodded

I went to my room and fell asleep as I was really tired.

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