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Here I stood, surrounded by worried faces in the living room. Do you want to know what happened while I was away? Let me fill you in...

As I wandered in the middle of the road, I couldn't help but think, "Ugh, these guys are so boring. Why did all the girls have to stay at home?" We had finished our task, but on our way back, the car broke down. So now, Jin and Jimin are currently fixing it.

In the distance, I spotted a shadow, and I quickly approached it, reaching out to touch it. Suddenly, my vision blurred, and I found myself translucent, like a ghost. Looking around, I recognized the place—it was in front of our school!

Curious and cautious, I walked closer to the people in the distance, only to witness something horrifying...

There we were, all wounded on the ground, surrounded by blood. Jungkook lay unconscious, with Lisa holding him closely. The guys, including Jimin, were on the ground, blood pooling around them. I screamed and cried, knowing they couldn't hear me, pleading for nothing to happen to my beloved.

As I looked around, I spotted myself and Jisoo on the ground, screaming in pain, tears streaming down our faces as we struggled to fight against our injuries. But it seemed futile. Then I saw Jennie, still standing despite the hundreds of wounds, tears streaking her cheeks. She ignored her own pain, fighting to remain conscious and hold on. It hit me: this was our future, or at least what I feared it might be.

Everything faded away, and all I could hear was a voice urging me, "Find your fairy powers. Otherwise, this is your horrible future. You don't have much time. The clock is ticking!!!"

"This can't be happening," Lisa said, tears threatening to fall.

By now, I was crying and shaking uncontrollably. "Shh, it's going to be okay," Jimin comforted me, pulling me into a deep hug.

Jisoo paced back and forth, trying to figure out how to unlock our fairy powers, while Jennie stood motionless, staring at the ground with a blank expression.

"Aha! Here it says, 'A fairy unlocks their hidden powers once they realize the truth about themselves, or if they do something heroic. These powers may emerge at the worst times of their lives. You can't just summon them,'" Jisoo exclaimed, reading from the text.

"Well, that's just great, isn't it?" Jennie finally snapped before storming out of the house, with Taehyung running after her in an attempt to calm her down.

"That child and her temper!" Jin exclaimed before also going after his sister, with Jisoo following suit, leaving me, Jimin, Jungkook, and Lisa behind.


I ran after Jennie and found her sitting on some stones with Taehyung beside her, both of them gazing at the sunset.

"Jen, you need to calm down. We need to find a solution," Jin said gently.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled before leaning her head on Tae's shoulder.

"So, to become fairies, we need to do something heroic?" Jennie asked gently, and I nodded, sitting on her other side.

"You know, I've known you since we were small children, yet I've never seen you cry. How come you're so strong? Don't you ever feel like letting it all out?" I asked.

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