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I woke up extra early today to get ready. I mean, you know me, I love my fashion.

After taking a bath and completing my skincare routine, I changed into a normal outfit that people typically wear. I couldn't dress too fancy; otherwise, people would become suspicious.


I put on some makeup and went to cook breakfast

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I put on some makeup and went to cook breakfast.

Surprisingly, I was not the first one awake. Jisoo unnie was already there, cooking.

"Good morning, Soo!" I greeted her cheerfully.

"Good morning, Jen," she replied with a smile.

I went over to her and offered to help with breakfast. Together, we prepared the meal, and soon enough, the other girls joined us.

 Together, we prepared the meal, and soon enough, the other girls joined us

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"FOOD, OMG THANKS, UNNIES!" Rosé screamed enthusiastically.

"Same old Foodsé," Lisa chimed in with a grin.

After breakfast, we made our way to class, which I'm pretty sure is history.

As we entered, everyone stared at us.

"Oh, new students, why don't you introduce yourselves?" the teacher prompted.

"Hello, I'm Kim Jisoo," Jisoo began.

"Hello, I'm Kim Jennie," I followed.

"Hello, I'm Park Chaeyoung, you can call me Rosé," Rosé introduced herself next.

"Hello, I'm Lalisa Manoban, call me Lisa," Lisa concluded.

"Okay, you girls take the seats in the back there," the teacher instructed.

We made our way to the seats, with me sitting next to Rosé and Lisa next to Jisoo.

"Class, today we are gonna learn about the prophecy of Gardenia!" the teacher announced.

"Yes!" the whole class exclaimed eagerly.

"So, long ago, there were four princesses," the teacher began her lesson.

"One was the Guardian of nature, taking care of all nature in Gardenia.

"Another took care of the life underwater, making sure the fishes live safe and sound.

"Then there was a princess of War. She was the strongest person in Gardenia; no one could beat her. She made sure that Gardenia lived in peace without any evil creatures.

"The smartest of all was the one who knew everything about magic. She helped people find their true magic, how to control the magic. Without her, it would be chaos.

"But these four princesses are unknown. They know each other; they are alive at the moment, but no one knows how old they are or how they look. Once the evil creatures come back to Gardenia, only then will the princesses reveal themselves and help everyone.

"That day is the war. We all train for it. There will be signs before this war, though. Many dark creatures will come and attack before. The sun will slowly lose its light. And then the war starts. The evil creatures' 'god' will come and attack."

*ring ring*

"Oh, that's the bell! Goodbye, class!" Mrs. Lee abruptly ended the lesson.

"But, Mrs. Lee, please continue!!!" some students protested.

"GOODBYE NOW, GET OUT!" Mrs. Lee yelled, ending any further discussion.

"Wow, girls, that story is so good!" Jihyo remarked.

"I know, right? Awh, I wanna know MORE," Momo exclaimed.

"Stop complaining, Momo and Jihyo, it's annoying," Jisoo scolded lightly.

"Sorry, Soo," Momo apologized.

                        ~after some classes~

"Let's go to the cafeteria, I'm hungry," Rosé suggested.

"You're always hungry, Rosé," Lisa teased.

We made our way to the cafeteria, got our food, and sat down to eat. Suddenly, we heard screams. I looked up to see a group of boys walking towards us. Based on what Jihyo said, they were BTS.

Three of the boys approached Jihyo and her sisters.

"Hey, babe, who are your new friends?" a short guy asked Nayeon.

"Oh, Yoongi! You scared me. Anyways, that's Jisoo, Jennie, Rosé, and Lisa!" Nayeon replied.

"Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Yoongi! That's Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook," Yoongi introduced himself, gesturing to his friends.

They all exchanged greetings, introducing themselves and chatting for a while. I noticed Jennie smile when she saw her older brother, Jin. However, she didn't say anything to maintain her identity.

After a brief conversation, we had to return to class. I assumed they would assign us to classes today, ranging from A to F, with A being the strongest and F being the weakest.

We walked to the auditorium and waited for the teacher to begin.

"Welcome, today we will determine which class everyone is in!" the teacher announced.

"Next up is Jisoo!" she called out.

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