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We arrived at the spa area and went in.

After our spa session we were outside and saw the boys. There were different rooms for each gender so we weren't in the same room.

We walked towards the boys to talk a little before driving back.

"It is really dark. Isn't it only like 4pm? And we are in Solaria." Jisoo said making Jennies and Jin's eyes widen.

"The sun. WAIT EOMMA! SHE CANT LIVE IF THERE ISNT STRONG LIGHT!" Jennie said and ran towards our car. We ran after her and the other boys and girls ran to their cars.

"Put your seatbelts on!" Jennie said when we got into the car. We nodded and put the seatbelts on.

She started driving really fast towards the castle. Like really really fast. She passed through the other cars on the road like nothing. We looked to the side and Jins car was next to ours. He was driving fast as well.

"JENNIE SLOW DOWN PLEASE!" I yelled while holding the seatbelt thinking it will protect me more. But Jennie didn't listen and drove even faster.

Once we arrived at the castle we saw a lot of ambulances outside and guards. Jennie and Jin ran out of their cars into the castle and then into their parent's bedroom.

Everyone has now arrived and we ran after the siblings.

"OMG is she okay? Appa please tell me eomma is okay?" Jennie said with tears in her eyes. It is the first time I see her almost cry.

We went into their room and saw all our parents around a bed and some even crying.

"Eomma are you okay?" I said and walked towards my mom who was now on the floor crying.

"She fainted just like that. The sun is losing its light." Jennies father said.

I looked towards the sibling's direction and they were on the floor. Jin was crying while Jennie just had an emotionless face.

I walked towards them and the others were comforting them already. I crouched down to Jennie's level

"It is gonna be okay. Be strong the war is almost here. We need to be ready okay?" I said and she just nodded.

"SHES AWAKE" someone said. I looked towards the bed and saw the Queen laying there with her hand on her fourhead.

"What happened?" She asked "you fainted jagiya but don't worry. You are okay" The king/jins father said.

"Okay." She simply answered. With a relived sigh I sat up and went to my mom. It was currently 5pm and we needed to go home.

"Eomma it is late. Let's go home." I said and my mom nodded. Everyone went out of the Queen and kings bedroom. Except the Queen and king of course.

Everyone were currently outside saying their goodbyes.

"Are you okay now Jennie?" Nayeon asked and Jennie nodded.

"We need to be careful now okay? The war can happen anytime and anywhere." Jisoo said.

"Yeah anyways get home safe! See you tomorrow! Hope you like the dresses." She said and we nodded

"Bye girls" I said and walked towards my car. My parents already there.

"Let's go" my father said to the driver who nodded.

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