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Jennie and taehyung told us that they are now together like a week ago and to be honest... I expected it so much. Like honestly they have been so close lately and it's easy to realise that they actually like each other.

Now it's up for Rosie to get together with Jimin!

Anyways you know the Phoenix Jennie got? She said their name is now Shiny and they are both like TWINS! They love shopping and gossiping like?

And about Rosie's dog.. their name is Hank.. and that dog is WILD! He keeps crashing stuff and running around. Another version of Namjoon..

The meeting we were gonna have with our parents got postponed until today so now I'm getting ready.

The meeting we were gonna have with our parents got postponed until today so now I'm getting ready

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Outfit ^^

~some time after~

"Lily dear! Come and give your mother a hug! I heard you got a fever last week. How are you feeling?" My mom said as soon as I walking into the restaurant where the meeting was held

"Mother hello! Im feeling completely good now! Don't worry." I said and gave her a hug before sitting next to my friends

"So Jin and Jennie! Heard you both are in a relationship? How sweet" their mom said

"Yeah" the siblings said

"okay now let's talk seriously." Namjoons dad started

"So based on what I have heard. Jennie and Rosé you have gotten your magical animals. And now jisoo and Lisa are still waiting.." Jisoos father said

"And you have gotten attacked a lot these days.. you still have a lot of training left.
So what I recommend is that you take a break from school and focus on training instead. We have a secret cabin hidden in the woods. It has a magical barrier so no creatures can come and attack. But we still need some of you in school to look after the other students.

So we parents discussed and we say that the four princesses and their mates go to the cabin and the rest stay. How does that sound?" Sugas mother said and we all nodded

"Sounds good." Namjoon said

"Okay but one problem.. the cabin only has four bedrooms.." my dad says

"That's okay. They can handle it."Jhope said teasingly

"Good. Then I suppose we can quickly eat up so you can pack and leave the school grounds today." Jisoos mom said and we nodded

We all ate and made our way to the dorms to start packing our bags

"Nini! can you make the bag smaller? It's heavy!" I said and she nodded snapping her fingers making my bags become smaller

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