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As I wake up, sunlight fills the room, making it bright and cheerful. Everything feels calm and quiet, like the world is taking a deep breath. I stretch and snuggle under my cozy blanket, feeling happy and relaxed.

Right next to me I see Taehyung sleeping peacefully with his hair covering his face. Gently, I reach out and brush the strands of hair away from his face. I can't help but admire him in this quiet moment, grateful for his presence in my life.

As I get up to get ready for the day I hear someone yelling outside the room.
"What's that for noice?" Taehyung asks as his eyes flutter open.

"I don't know, I'll check it out." I say and open the door to see all the fairy animals running around and Jisoo is trying to get them to calm down.

"PLAY OUTSIDE! NOT HERE, YOU ARE  RUINING ALL THE FURNITURE!" Jisoo is running around with a broom in her hand chasing the animals.

Before she sees me, I close the door trying to not laugh.
"So? What happened?" Taehyung asks, he is sitting up now drinking a glass of water.

"Ehm, Jisoo unnie is currently chasing the fairy animals around because they've created quite a havoc." I suppress a laugh, noticing Taehyung's struggle to contain his amusement as well.

"Well, I suppose it's time to start preparing for the day" I remark before heading into the bathroom with a fresh set of clothes in hand, ready to change immediately after my morning shower.

Once I was prepared, I exited the room to give him some space to get ready in peace. Glancing outside, I noticed that Jisoo had finally regained control of the situation, and now all the fairy animals were safely outside playing.

"Good morning. Would you like some coffee?" I offer as I begin heating the kettle.
"Good morning, and no, I've already had breakfast," she replies, stretching out on the couch and gazing at the ceiling. "Tough morning, huh?" I tease, trying to stifle a laugh.
"Oh, please spare me!" she retorts, playfully throwing a pillow in my direction, but missing completely.

I make breakfast for me and taehyung and he came out of the room just in time.

"I'm off to the library. The others left a while ago to explore outside. I think it's just us, Lisa, and Jungkook here," Jisoo announces before making her way to the library.

I simply nod and begin eating the food. "What are we going to do today?" I inquire of Taehyung, who's seated beside me. "It's Friday, so we have the whole day free. What do you feel like doing?" He responds, "We could watch some movies! There are tons of new releases." I suggest enthusiastically, and he simply nods and chuckles in agreement.

After breakfast, Taehyung and I went for our usual morning walk around the cabin. Upon returning, we refreshed ourselves before I began preparing snacks for our movie date.

After I finished up, I headed to our room and found him there, all ready with a movie picked out. We settled in together and started watching a new flick called 'Damsel'.

We were cozied up watching the hero dodge the dragon, when suddenly, we heard a loud crash from outside the room.

We hurriedly paused the movie and rushed outside to see what caused the commotion, only to find those two troublemakers at it again.

Jennie stormed out of her room, yelling, "What the hell is going on here?"

"I can't believe it! This idiot just called me a pick me" I yelled.

"No, I did not!" Jungkook quickly defended himself.

"You didn't call me one, but you certainly referred to it!" I yelled back.

"Seriously, what exactly did he say?" Taehyung asked calmly.

"He said, 'You could be more girly, you know? Act like a princess, wear dresses, talk about girly stuff for all I know! You keep on wearing sweatshirts and acting like a boy.' And he got mad when I told him he acted like a little spoiled, scared boy!" I said indignantly.

"Give me my bat," Jennie demanded. But taehyung put his hand on her shoulder, whispering some words that made her smirk and nod in agreement.

The next second, I found myself brutally pushed back into my room with Jungkook. As I attempted to leave, they slammed the door in my face. I reached for the handle, only to realize they had locked it from the outside.

"OPEN THE DOOR HELLO?" I kept yelling until I heard a voice

"Shut the hell up! We'll open once you two make up, and maybe kiss, who knows?" Amber said with a giggle, before their footsteps faded away, indicating they had returned to their own room.

God i totally hate them!

I sat on the floor while Jungkook took a seat on the bed. We remained in silence for a while before he finally spoke up, "I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean anything by it. I like you just the way you are."

I sighed, "I'm also sorry for overreacting." As our eyes met, for some reason, it felt like I couldn't look away. His eyes just looked so captivating.

Just then, the door opened, and Jennie's head popped out. "Sorry to interrupt, but the others came back from their trip, and they have something important to say," she said, her tone conveying the seriousness of the situation.

As we stepped outside the room, I noticed everyone gathered in the living room, their expressions grave and serious. Rosie appeared scared and shocked, while even the fairy animals wore serious expressions, adding to the somber atmosphere.

A/N: Liskook was supposed to happen in this chapter but I realized that there was something I "spoiled" in the previous chapters so I just needed to make that happen! Liskook is soon i hope!!

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