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??? POV
"Master. The day is here. You are finally strong enough to escape that prison" I said smiling widely

"Yes indeed. But before I escape you need to continue with the plan. So fast do it so I can leave!" They said so I nodded and left

They are gonna get what they deserve after what they did to me..

"YO! School starts today😇 are you ready" I yell the second I see the others in the living room.

"DONT SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" Jisoo said and the next second a slipper was thrown my way. (I obviously dodged it)

"You guys did that to me some days ago so I say we are all even." I say

"Well no I'm not ready!" Rosé say while stressfully eating her fruit

"Ehm guys.. I feel like something is gonna happen today. We have to be careful we can't trust anyone." Nayeon said

"Okay! If you say that it is most definitely gonna happen! From now on it's only us 14! No more no less!" Jihyo said and we all nod.

"Okay let's go! To the main campus. We start soon." Lisa says

"What class?" I ask

"Ehm I think it's first just talking with the head teacher then we start with math!" Momo said

God I hate math so much!

We got to class and sat down on our seats. Waiting for the teacher to come

"Okay everyone quiet down! So I wanna say that people from D-F class have made it to our class! So please welcome them"

I was smiling as I wanted to know more people in this boring class but my smile quickly faded when I saw who it was.

"Hello everyone! I'm Nancy. I am now an A student!"
"Hi! I'm JooE, I'm also an A student now!"
"The names Jane, A student"
"Greetings everyone! My name is Daisy, pleasure to meet you. I'm an A student now"

I looked at Taehyung who was clearly annoyed to.

"Hah! You don't like them either do you?" I ask

"Obviously I don't! Jane is so annoying she has been around my ass for ages! She even goes to the dorm here and there to give me some gifts! She stopped following me so i thought she left me for alone for good!" Taehyung said

"Oh really...I totally know nothing about that! Haha.." I say

"Tell me.. did you do anything?" Tae ask

"I just told her to stay away from me and my friends and burned her hair nothing much!" I said

"Omg Kookie! I missed you so much!!" I hear someone say I look and see that Nancy Girl talk to Jungkook

"She really love cookies dont she?" I ask

"That's Jungkooks nickname we gave him as kids. Only we call him that." Taehyung say

I continue looking at Nancy and she touched Jungkooks shoulder then acted as if someone shot her.

"Oh my! Did you feel that? It was an electric shock." Nancy say

"Oh my really? How come I couldn't feel anything?" Jungkook said copying her aegyo voice

"Psst Jennie!" Someone say

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