Ch16 - Strawberry Flavored Scholar Gong (16)

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Shameful deeds, mission progress rate: 20%

Translator: KunLin

Editors: Amaris, Grump 

NSFW Content 

Gou Liang was pondering whether to use a mirror image extracting prop to gauge the worth of exploiting He Lin to further his cause, but when Shi Yu took the initiative to step forward to prove himself innocent, Gou Liang dispelled this thought.

【System: Don’t think I don’t know, you’re just unwilling to spend those 9 points. →-→】

【Gou Liang: We are supposed to support each other, not tear each other down. ^v^】 

【System: Ying.】

It turned out, He Lin’s mother was Mother Shi’s bosom buddy.

Both of them entered the military’s (on-)base housing after marriage and had gotten pregnant at around the same time, only a month apart, resulting in them becoming even closer.

 From when he was young, Shi Yu never got along with people his age and dislike interacting with them—although professionals said that this was due to his extremely high intelligence, Mother Shi and the rest of the Shi Family were still worried that he might have autism. Mother Shi tried to stimulate Shi Yu’s interest in many areas so he wouldn’t be so quiet, simultaneously working hard to create opportunities for Shi Yu to interact with other children his age.

He Lin was the ideal candidate to Mother Shi.

He Lin also had a younger twin sister called He Jin. When the twins were still in the womb, He Jin was unable to receive enough nutrients. So unlike He Lin who was born healthy, He Jin was born sick—she had congenital heart disease.

However, the consciousness of Lord God in this world was fair. Although He Jin had a weak body, her intelligence was far higher than her twin sister’s. Because of this, compared to other children, she was a bit closer to Shi Yu. She could be considered the only person who had a common conversational interest with Shi Yu. However… during the graduation trip in middle school, in order to save He Lin from drowning, she had died.

Shi Yu had exhausted all his efforts to save her at that time but was still unable to prevent the tragedy from happening. 

Although he didn’t overly blame himself, as long as your heart and blood weren’t made of ice, it was hard to remain indifferent towards the death of a friend with whom you had grown up.

The reason Shi Yu chose to take a leave instead of attending high school was because of her. 

He Jin had been very interested in hacking and had been Shi Yu’s first teacher in communication skills. Before her death, she was planning to enter an international hacking competition. Prior to the graduation trip, she even swore to Shi Yu that she would leave school for a year for closed door preparation and to snatch first place in the competition. Foreign hackers had a low opinion of Chinese hackers and she wanted to prove them wrong. Even if she wouldn’t live past twenty, she was determined to accomplish this in this lifetime.

This was her last wish and Shi Yu wanted to help her fulfill it. 

In this world, there was nothing he couldn’t do if he had the heart to. The System also found out during its research, in the international hacking competition that ended half a month ago, the No. 1 【Hacker HJ】was Shi Yu.

When Gou Liang first met Shi Yu, during the System’s scan, they found out that although Shi Yu had a very high degree of soul interconnection with his family members, it was very faint with everyone else. There were very few people in this world he cared about. Obviously, He Jin was considered one of them. Gou Liang originally thought that Shi Yu hated He Lin because she had caused He Jin’s death, but unexpectedly, the answer completely surprised him.

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