Ch64 - Papaya Flavored Senior Brother Gong (2)

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Ch64 - Papaya Flavored Senior Brother Gong (2)

Si Tushuang soon came back with her Martial Uncle, Ji Chun. There was also a graceful-looking youth following behind them.

“The poison has been cleared from Miss Ye’s body, there is no more danger to your life.” 

People get hurt in the Jianghu all the time. If you weren’t dead, then it wasn’t a big deal. Everybody was assured after hearing this.

Members of the Yu Jian Alliance were arranged into the same courtyard. Ji Chun was a Martial Uncle from the Northern Sword Sect and was considered as one of the most knowledgeable people in medicine. However, he didn’t notice that Gou Liang was a man, not because his skills were subpar, but because the original host’s meridian had reversed after qi deviation.

The graceful-looking youth cupped hands, “That’s good to hear. I haven’t asked yet, but which Sect’s Master is Miss under, and are you accompanied by a senior?”

The original host lacked internal force but he knew a library of techniques. If not for that, he wouldn’t have lasted so long against the Left Guardian. From the vestige of the battle, Yue Qian recognized the sound technique of the Fan Yin Pavilion. Gou Liang’s outfit seemed like someone from the Fan Yin Pavilion, so he had called over a senior from the Fan Yin Pavilion to come identify Gou Liang. But unexpectedly, it was all a misunderstanding. 

“I’m not under anyone or any sect. Is Gongzi the young valley master of Mo Xie Valley?”

Gou Liang looked at the youth before him. His baby face completely belied that he was 21 years old. They say that couples tend to look alike but this guy looked nothing like the fairy-like Xia Xinya from the original host’s memory.

Mo GuanJu replied, “I am. Since Miss Ye is a guest brought back by Brother Yue, why don’t you stay in Su Jian Pavilion while you recuperate? If there’s anything you need, you can just ask the servants in the residence. Can I trouble Miss Ye to tell us what happened that day? What animosity is there between you and the Left Guardian, and did you encounter any other members of the Demonic Cult?”

Gou Liang smiled at Mo Guanju. When he saw how his face reddened, he propped his chin lazily and asked, “Am I beautiful?”


Not to mention a shy person like Mo Guanju, everyone else was taken aback too. When they looked with surprised gazes at the person who asked the question, they averted their eyes. The young lady could not be described with merely the word “beautiful”.

Mo Guanju scratched his head. When he saw that the other was waiting on his answer, he could only reply, “Miss Ye is naturally very beautiful.”

“How am I compared to Xia Xinya?” 

Gou Liang asked.


Mo Guanju’s face became a darker shade of crimson. He looked beseechingly at Yue Qian.

Yue Qian expressed that his hands were tied. He opened his fan and shook it gently with no intention of lending a hand at all. Mo Guanju was an honest person, so he said, “Miss and Xia Xinya each have unique merits, but strictly appearance-wise, Miss might be slightly better. However…beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In this one’s eyes, Xinya is the most beautiful. I am biased so Miss should ask for someone else’s opinion. For example, Brother Peerless has good eyes.” 

The hot potato was tossed to Peerless Yue Qian. When Gou Liang light gaze was directed to himself, Yu Qian had no choice but to close his fan and smile dryly, “This one thinks that Miss is more beautiful than Miss Xia, haha.”

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