Ch81.2 - Papaya Flavored Senior Brother Gong (19)

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Ch81.2 - Papaya Flavored Senior Brother Gong (19)

Translated by Hua Li ^_~

However, Xia Xinya’s unawareness of her soiled pants made her secretly glance at her father. Fearing him, she buried her head deeper into her mother’s embrace, crying uncontrollably and avoiding eye contact with anyone. 

The righteous sect members looked at each other with frowns, but they were currently in no mood to pay attention to someone else’s family affairs.

This was because the time for one incense stick had passed.

Gou Liang was leisurely eating a slice of orange fed to him by Yue Qian. He spat out the seeds, wiped his mouth, and asked nonchalantly, “Have you made up your minds? This is your only chance.”

The poisonous army advanced further, with scorpions, centipedes, and poisonous ants already covering half of the city walls, a terrifying sight. 

However, despite their thoughts, the sweaty righteous martial artists hesitated to be the first ones to surrender to the Demon Cult.

Gou Liang nodded, “You’ve got some backbone. Since none of you want to live—”


The sound of a Buddhist chant interrupted Gou Liang.

This person had an extremely deep inner strength, and his voice rang out like the sound of a bell in the whole Wumo City, just like the tolling of the bells in Shaolin Temple. It made people’s minds clear, allowing them to escape from the emotion of fear, and they all turned their gaze towards the source of the sound. A thin monk dressed in ash-gray robes walked out from the Shaolin monks, stepped out of the city wall, and stood in mid-air. He said, “Amitabha, I’ve seen Benefactor Ye. Forgiveness leads to blessings. I implore Master Ye not to create more karma.”

“Hey, you monk, you’re quite amusing. Are you the one in charge of sweeping the floors at Shaolin Temple?” Gou Liang remarked with a smirk.

“How dare you!” The Shaolin abbot quickly stepped forward, scolding Gou Liang before respectfully addressing another person, “Disciple pays respects to Master Xuandu!”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Yt, rb la’r atf fraffwfv wbcx Wejcve!” Ktf rfma ifjvfgr kfgf vfilutafv jcv ugffafv Wejcve klat gfrqfma. 

Lbkfnfg, Wejcve qjlv cb jaafcalbc ab atflg ugffalcur jcv rjlv, “Ktf Devvtj ajeuta atja rjnlcu j ilof lr yfaafg atjc yelivlcu j rfnfc-ifnfi qjubvj. Ktfrf qfbqif jgf cb ibcufg j atgfja ab Dfcfojmabg Tf, rb kts ybatfg ab xlii atfw? Ktf Devvtj ajxfr qlas bc atfw.”

Gou Liang couldn’t care less about Shaolin Temple’s anger and retorted, “It’s pitiful for you to be a disciple.”

Then he continued, “Monk, let me ask you, did Buddha tell you that all living beings are equal? These people came to kill me, and you didn’t stop them. Now that they can’t defeat me, you want me to spare them? Is it that in your eyes, the life of Ye Gui, the leader of my Demon Cult, and the lives of tens of thousands of my sect members, are less noble than those people behind you?”

“Amitabha, all things have causes and consequences. As for the karma created by the Demon Cult in the past—” 

“What an excellent cause and effect! The Demon Cult’s robbery and killings were the cause, and the righteous sects’ collective retaliation against us is the effect. The righteous sects killed us and robbed our secrets. So we, too, return the evil they deserve. This is the so-called cycle of cause and effect. Monk, am I correct in saying this?”

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