Ch91 - Pineapple Flavored Beastman Gong (9)

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Pineapple Flavored Beastman Gong (9)

Translated by Hua Li ^_~

In the Aoki forest, inside a tree hollow: 

The red flames gently licked the dark green shell of an egg, and the boiling broth bubbled and steamed, carrying a tantalizing fragrance that wafted into people’s nostrils, drawing their attention.

The large white wolf, who had been rejected for his clumsy attempts to help, lay on the ground resisting temptation, occasionally lifting his head to watch Gou Liang bustling around six campfires.

Inside the Water-winged Dragon eggshell, a stew was brewing, and it contained the leg bones of a four-horned beast.

No one among the Beastmen had ever attempted such a way of cooking, but Gou Liang’s unconventional thinking proved that the bone soup from this peculiar creature was indeed delicious. The milky broth was rich in nutrients, and even after drinking it, Meng Hao felt a warm vitality coursing through his body. 

It was undoubtedly a remarkable discovery, and once they returned to the tribe, they had decided to share this significant find with the tribal priests.

At this moment, Gou Liang was busy stir-frying the meat from the four-horned beast. He had added some winter-expelling herbs and red peppergrass seeds to the mix, creating a slightly pungent, spicy aroma. The slightly pungent and spicy aroma made Meng Hao very worried about whether this kind of food was suitable for the little female to eat.

Meng Hao, who had been driven away earlier, listened to Gou Liang’s instructions and diligently turned the meat on the half-sized four-horned beast that was being roasted. Occasionally, he used his claws to help it cook faster and more evenly. As the roast approached perfection, the sizzling sounds filled the air, and droplets of oil slid down the succulent meat, creating a tantalizing spectacle that even the flames seemed to yearn for.

On Gou Liang’s right side, large cuts of meat, about the size of nutshells, were sizzling on five rectangular shells.

These cuts were from the tenderloin of the four-horned beast, and the meat had transformed from a pinkish hue to a rich reddish-brown. Gou Liang drizzled them with the fruit sauce made from the monkey wine fruit, a favorite of the Ape Tribe, creating an aroma so strong it would make anyone’s mouth water.

To the right of that, in the nutshell shaped like a cow’s head, there was a luxurious stew made with fresh, wine-red Red Moon Flowers and the beef.

The last campfire steamed the flesh of the Juicy-Milky-Fruit in a shell even larger than that of the water-winged dragon’s egg.

The aroma of the food made the wait feel endlessly long. Meng Hao’s gaze involuntarily wandered between the campfires, eventually settling on Gou Liang, who was using a tree branch carved into a human-shaped spatula to flip the beef. His ice-blue eyes were focused, unnoticed by anyone, and his tail swayed slightly, revealing a hint of impatience. 

Sweat dripped down Gou Liang’s face and neck and he roughly raised his arm to wipe it to prevent sweat from falling into his eyes.

Observing Gou Liang’s sweaty forehead and neck, Meng Hao flicked his tail, soaked it in water, and offered it to him.

Although Gou Liang initially declined, Meng Hao transformed back into his human form and gently wiped the sweat from Gou Liang’s skin himself.

The cool sensation of the wet fur made Gou Liang release a contented sigh. He turned towards Meng Hao and remarked, “Hold on a moment; dinner will be ready soon.” 

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