Grape Flavored Emperor Attack (15)

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Discussing The Correct Posture To Enjoy Dog Food Chapter 136: Grape Flavored Emperor Attack (15)
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This winter is colder than in previous years.

After a few heavy snowfalls, the subordinates who had nodded early had nodded from the brazier.

The emperor was a precautionary person. When the sky changed, he ordered the Ministry of Households to send cold-proof materials to the northern states that were affected by snow disasters all year round. He also planned to make Zhong Shu kill all the northern borders to do the cold protection work. In order to inform the people in obituaries, they will never allow greed.

——The Emperor Chenwu launched a new policy of raising salaries with high salaries in four years. The crime of corruption was extremely serious and the supervision was greater than ever.

The year-end is often the busiest time for ministers.

The Ministry of Households is busy taking stocks and spending estimates for the coming year, and the Ministry of Officials evaluates their achievements. Next year is the time for the transfer of officials every four years. They are even busier than in previous years.

The Ministry of Ceremony prepares year-end rituals, the Ministry of Criminal Affairs reviews the filing of criminal cases, and the Ministry of Defense compares military expenses for the winter and next year with the Ministry of Households in the chapel. Not open.

They were busy, and His Majesty the Emperor could only be busier than them. When there was a night ’s trouble to repair a book, two of the three times were rejected.

Taiping in the middle of Beijing, the people are busy for the New Year, and they are all in harmony.

During this period of Guotai and Min'an, King Qin accidentally fell into the lake in his mansion and became seriously ill.

When several princes went to the hospital to listen to him talking nonsense on the bed, begging the emperor to spare his life, only to realize that it was this fool who had to rebel and was arrested by the emperor!

Seeing how many days he had, the princes thought that the emperor could not bear him, and after so long, they finally wanted to take a shot.

Although I hate the Qin King in my heart, it is inevitable that some rabbits will die.

Yang Wang was so guilty that he saw that Qin Wang was going to be scared to death by his own speculation, so he had to say that it was something he did not care about the emperor.

It turned out that two months ago, when he and Qin Wang were on duty in the Ministry of Industry to supervise the repair of the Emperor's Mausoleum, the Qin King had a drink and made a mistake, and then Yang knew at that time who the emperor had let them appreciate.

King Yang hated his teeth, but he didn't say anything to the emperor, and didn't dare to say anything, but he deliberately made a trip to King Qin when he was on business.

King Qin said one and two, and the two had a number of quarrels, causing the head of the Ministry of Industry to have two heads, and finally they could not help but ask His Majesty the Emperor's will, before they were allowed to stop.

Originally, King Yang was just a bit quick-tempered.

But the weather was getting colder. Qin Wang, who had grown up in the Fan Dynasty since he was a child, couldn't adapt to the coldness of the capital. After getting two cold winds, he missed the good days in the palace of Yangzhou and remembered the sin of King Qin. Shoved him ...

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