Ch54 - Honey Tangerine Flavored Shadow Guard Gong (12)

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The little loyal dog: Anyone who offends Master must die

Translator: KunLin

Editors: Vez, Blarghette 

“Who did you call trash just now?”

Zhong Yue had remained silent while Li Yan vented, things progressing to today’s state, he was also very unhappy. He also understood how much of a disadvantage their current situation was.

Thus, towards the words Li Yan had spoken under the influence of anger, towards how Li Yan yelled at him, he bore with them all.

But some lines shouldn’t be crossed. Li Yan couldn’t say his skill was inferior to others, nor could he insult the Zhong Clan’s abilities, he should not have provoked his bottomline! 

“I’m trash?”

The compromising attitude he had maintained all this time was ripped apart, revealing his pride as the heir of the Zhong Clan. He laughed coldy and said: “Li Yan, you seem to have forgotten, who was it that saved you from the flood water, and who was it that divined the Heavenly secrets for you so you can time and time again miraculously earn achievements? It was me. Back then, who was it then stuck to me, saying he loved me and was willing to give his life for me? It was you.”

“If it wasn’t because of that, I wouldn’t have been moved by you, wouldn’t have tolerated you in all aspects, and even more so wouldn’t have let you climb into my bed!”

“But don’t you forget that I, Zhong Yue, am the child of TianJi, and can do without you!”

Li Yan was angered by his attitude of haughtily looking down from up above. He released the hand covering his face and almost couldn’t resist the urge to strike back.

But he still held back in the end. He lowered his raised hand and said seethingly: “A child of TianJi, so what, is there anyone who places you in their eyes right now? You lost this round to the QinTian supervisor, you lost to the disciple of the capital Zhong Clan, this is an indisputable fact. You can block my mouth, but can you block the mouths of everyone in the world?”

“Why should the people of my TianJi Zhong Clan fear what the world has to say?”

“You’re not afraid, but what about me?” 

Li Yan raised his voice, “Have you ever thought if I’ll be afraid? You are the child of TianJi, you can think of the world as beneath you, but I can’t! Why can’t you ever understand how difficult my situation is! In order to obtain this realm, I have schemed and exhausted all methods, but you never cared! I really wonder, from the start to the end, have you ever truly considered for me even a fraction!”

“Li Yan, don’t go overboard!”

Zhong Yue’s anger had reached its peak, he pointed at Li Yan’s nose and said: “Who is the one that can never genuinely consider the other! You only care about yourself! Have you ever asked how much I have paid for you! Do you know, to divine the earthquake for you this time, I forfeited three years of my life! Don’t you get it, if I didn’t love you, why would I go against the clan rules and give my body to you! Do you also know, for you, I even gave up the position of TianJi’s Clan Head! But you treat me like this! Are you worthy of me?!”

Li Yan’s rage stagnated, his eyes finally regained a few traces of calm. 

—His situation right now was bleak, Zhong Yue may be his last help. He must not split with Zhong Yue right now and destroy his only way of retreat.

Though he made up his mind to swallow his anger, as he thought of today’s matter, Li Yan found it hard to control himself. He furrowed his brows and asked, “If you had truly exerted such efforts, why did you lose to the QinTian Supervisor?”

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