Ancient Time: Honey Tangerine Flavored Shadow Guard Gong √

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Ch43 - Honey Tangerine Flavored Shadow Guard Gong (1): Target-dada called me Master!!(/ω\)

Translator: KunLin

Editors: Amaris, Rubhyl 

Gou Liang was a bit curious about how the original host died, because—

It really hurts so much ah…

【Ding, the host’s body scan has been completed!】

【System: The host’s body condition is extremely dire. Not only is he heavily injured, his legs are broken, followed by excessive blood loss, and he is also poisoned by a rare poison. Do you perhaps need—Wait! M-m-master!! On my initial mapping there’s–】 

【Gou Liang: Little Wanton, block my pain first… What’s wrong?】

【Ding! Initiating matching function, the map covers the entire city, now starting the match search!】

【Ding!! The mission target has been located! The soul’s match rate: 99.99%! Proceeding to scan the target’s soul!】

An unprecedented efficiency. After the two urgent notifications, the system finally finished what it was saying before.

【System: Master! I saw a big blind spot!!】

It was astounded like it had never seen a big blind spot before.

Gou Liang was not any different. In his surprise, he almost forgot about the pain he was feeling. Of course, it was only almost. Weakly closing his eyes, Gou Liang made the system put aside all matters regardless of their importance. Everything could be discussed after he had his sense of pain blocked first. After the pain was cut off, Gou Liang was finally able to stretch out his body that was curled up in agony.

【Gou Liang: Little Wanton, you said that the target is near us?】 

【System: The target’s soul scan is still in progress, however, a big blind spot is currently approaching you, I promise!】

【Gou Liang: …The delicacy that he had parted with for ten years ah, here I cooome!!!】

The excitement surging in his heart slightly alleviated the I-want-to-die.jpg on his face, but the approaching footsteps had him put a lid to his bubbling joy. 

The footsteps of the person coming were hasty. The first thing the person did after approaching him was to check his breathing. Afterward, the person softly let out a sigh of relief. He propped Gou Liang up against his chest and fed him medicine. 

“Master, it’s time to eat your medicine.”

The person said.

【Gou Liang: He, he called me M-Master? (/ω\) 】

【System: Ding, the target’s basic information scan has been completed!】 

Name: Zhong Quan








Potential: Grade S

Current favorability value:+80。

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