Ch58 - Honey Tangerine Flavored Shadow Guard Gong (16)

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Loyal little dog: I view you as my Master, but also as my wife.

Translator: KunLin

Editors: Vez, Blarghette 

During Laba Festival, Quan Seven brought up a matter while coming to deliver the Laba congee.

YongNing Manor’s Wang Clan had been searching for news of Gou Liang everywhere and right now were at the door. They wanted the Lin Family to hand him over. Additionally, young Marquis Li Xi had sent new years gifts. He wished to meet with Gou Liang before returning to the capital.

Gou Liang said, “Ignore the Wang Family, I have my own plans. As for Li Xi, have him visit me tomorrow.”

Li Xi came as instructed. When compared to his sorry state at sea, he was full of spirits now and had even grown taller. Gou Liang irritably raised his head to look at him, then waved his hand motioning for the other to take a seat before saying, “Looks like young Marquis has accomplished what you came for.” 

Li Xi wanted to stand up in a bow, but was stopped by Gou Liang, so he only cupped his hands in his seat and said, “It’s all thanks to Sir’s help. Otherwise, Xi, being young and powerless, would not have been able to subdue them.”

Gou Liang said, “I have already accepted your gifts, no need to think more about it. If young Marquis only came to give thanks, then no need to waste your time.”

Li Xi smiled embarrassedly, he scratched his head and said, “Sir is frank, it is Xi who is slow-witted. Xi will need to leave for the capital tomorrow, otherwise it would be hard to make it in time for the palace’s New Year’s Feast. Before leaving, I’ve shamelessly come to consult Sir on one matter. Currently, King An’s power is growing by the day and the Emperor is ill with little hope of recovering and can no longer bother with the state affairs. The court also listens to King An, allowing King An to lead them. But the other day you said King An was not a threat…what is the reason for that?”

“Young Marquis knows my rule, what do you plan to exchange for the information?”

Li Xi sat up straight and said, “A few days ago, I heard a piece of information from an elder that I thought Sir would be interested in.”

“Oh? Say it for us to hear.”

Li Xi said, “This person used to be a beggar, but later on he happened to save Wu Daren’s life, and was then brought into the manor to live. I was temporarily staying at Wu Daren’s residence and saw that the person had drunk too much that day, causing him to begin speaking of a matter of the past.”

“Twenty years ago, he personally killed a person.” 

“That person was an accomplished and handsome youth, but the space between his brows was akin to a dried up well, like he had already experienced all the vicissitudes of life, making people afraid when they looked at him. The youth claimed he had lived for too long and that there was no one precious left by his side. Even if he oversaw the rivers and mountains, there was no longer the slightest fluctuation left in his heart—he had no more attachments to life. He gave that beggar two thousand pieces of gold, asking the other to help end his life. The beggar saw the gold and was tempted, so he grabbed a sword and sent it straight into the other’s heart, burying him after.”

“But later on he fell gravely ill, nearly losing his life. He sought all the famous doctors and exhausted all methods, but only when he used up that two thousand gold did he get better.”

Li Xi carefully observed Gou Liang’s expression, but seeing it remain unchanged, he was unable to tell what the other was thinking and could only continue speaking, “Everyone thought he was speaking nonsense and I originally thought so too, and didn’t take it seriously. But unexpectedly, the beggar mentioned TianJi Mountain’s Zhong Clan.”

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