Ch72 - Papaya Flavored Senior Brother Gong (10)

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Ch72 - Papaya Flavored Senior Brother Gong (10)

Mo Guanju died very miserably.

His clothes were soaked in blood, and his bloodstained face was frozen in shock of being caught off guard. 

The blade was completely buried in his heart with only the handle poking out. There was a wound the thickness of a thumb on his chest—the murderer intended to dig out his heart but was interrupted.

The Northern Sword Sect Disciple who witnessed it said solemnly: “I live next door. I suddenly heard Senior Sister’s scream so I ran over to help. By the time I arrived, the murderer had already pierced through Senior Brother Mo’s chest. The other turned and escaped and I gave chase with my sword, but my qigong was inferior. I only saw that although the other was tall, underneath the black cloak was…a red women’s skirt.”

“Speak if you’re gonna speak, what are you looking at my sister-in-law for?!”

Si Tushuang blocked Gou Liang and glowered. 

“Junior Sister, do not be rude.”

Yue Qian held Gou Liang’s hand and said gently.

Si Tushuang was unreconciled, “Just now, he wanted to push this murder onto my sister-in-law’s head. Senior Brother, how can you tolerate that? Plenty of people in the world wear red skirts, so why my sister-in-law? I also heard that the Demonic Cult’s Cult Leader wears red skirts too!”

“Not to mention, my sister-in-law is the only person that wears red skirts in the Southern Mountain. If she wants to commit murder, why would she wear a red skirt and even let you see her? Is she afraid no one knew she did the deed? What a joke!”

“Shuang’er, don’t be impertinent in front of your elders.”

Si Ti Zhang Tian reprimanded in a perfunctory manner. He furrowed his brows and said, “Though I haven’t seen it in person, I heard back then, the martial nephews from Fanyin Pavilion and the Northern Sword Sect also died with their hearts gouged out. Junior Sister Ye, Junior Brother Xia, what do you guys think? Does it look like the work of the same person?”

Pavilion Master Ye and Sect Master Xia both looked unwell. Mo Guanju’s death brought up the painful past.

However, Ji Chun who was confirming Mo Guanju’s cause of death said: “Although the perpetrator is skillful, the wound was formed with pure force without a trace of internal energy. If it was Bao Jiu, how would that be the case?” 

Xia Xinya was in her mother’s arms without making a noise, but at this moment, she became excited, “It’s him, it must be him!”

“Ya’er, did you see something?”

Ji Chun asked.

Xia Xinya wept, “Although he covered his face, who other than him would harm my husband so, and in such a vicious way?” 

Madam Xia hugged her daughter’s shoulder. She was full of heartache for her. She spoke in a sorrowful voice: “Ya’er, don’t cry. What happened, tell us in detail. Your Martial Uncle Si Tu is a righteous man, he won’t let Mo Guanju’s death go unresolved on the Southern Mountain.”

Si Tu Zhang Tianwas also quick to voice his agreement.

Xia Xinya did her best to contain her grief: “In two days will be the decisive battle of the martial arts conference. My husband and I were discussing strategies together inside the room, and at the peak of our conversation, there was suddenly a noise outside.”

“My husband went out to check on it. Seeing there was no one there, he was about to return when a person appeared without warning, and with a blade…pierced through my husband’s chest.” 

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