Banana flavor leader attack (6)

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Discussing The Correct Posture To Enjoy Dog Food Chapter 146: Banana flavor leader attack (6)
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Even with limited seasonings, Chef Gou made a delicious table.

The appearance of mad cow and beast meat is similar to that of cattle, but the taste is completely different from that of beef. It tastes more like a special kind of seafood. The meat is delicious and smooth, with a slight sweetness.

The sliced thin beast meat melts at the entrance, and a little sweet, spicy, hot and spicy sauce or even a little salty soy sauce made with Gou Liang's secret sauce is a delicious food that makes the population spit.

The cube-shaped grilled meat is topped with Yusen's ripened lettuce and bite down. The freshness and tenderness of the vegetables are matched with the cumin meat, which is highly praised.

The most praised are the dumplings, which are white and tender, round and full, with ample fillings. Biting off Q's thin crust, the delicious flavor of seafood flavoured meat is exploded on the taste buds, and the natural happiness is enough to conquer the soul.

A plate of dumplings was swept away just two minutes after serving, and Yu Sen and others stared at the plate left alone by Gou Liang.

The food piled up in Jiaozishan exudes a seductive scent, while Gou Liang eats slowly, making people want to start. When receiving their gaze, Gou Liang stopped chewing and raised his chubby face—

With opposite eyes, Gou Liang used an enemy of six, an invisible killing unfolded in an instant, and ended in an instant.

... Shi Buyu and others silently retracted their eyes.

Gou Liang's small eyes submerged with fat were almost negligible in the huge outline, but the murderous energy released at that moment made Shi Boss very interestingly not pluck hair on the tiger's head.

After the defeat, they quickly moved to the battlefield and slaughtered on other dishes at a very fast speed.

Spoons and chopsticks on the table, the wind and the clouds remnant, the food was divided up instantly.

Everyone was holding their large pots full of food as if they hadn't eaten for a few years, while avoiding each other's eyes, they were careful to take out their speed in the barracks, eating quickly.

In this way, the fat man has become the most elegant one.

Shi Buyu, who swept up the most, finished the food as fast as he could, and lowered the bowl. He glanced endlessly at Yu Sen who was still eating.

Since receiving the test, Shi Buyu ’s food consumption has increased dramatically. For this reason, the country has specially invested huge sums of money to develop a nutritional compression pill for him. The calories and nutrients contained in a grain are all that is needed for a meal. He took several boxes with him when he was on vacation, and even the reunion dinner broke out in the last days.

Counting up, he has not eaten normally for two years, let alone taste such delicious.

Yu Sen and they all knew this, so Shi Buyu glanced at each other to speed up eating.

Shi Buyu, adhering to the last conscience of being the boss, retired with pity, and then fell on Gou Liang.

He didn't have any plans to eat food slowly-just kidding. It offends the ancestor of the chef, but it is not a question of how much you can eat at this meal, but a life event that you will eat less in the second half of your life!

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