Ch88 - Pineapple Flavored Beastman Gong (6)

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Ch88 - Pineapple Flavored Beastman Gong (6)

Translated by Hua Li ^_~

Seeing Gou Liang's forehead covered in herbs yet still stained with blood, Ga'er couldn't help but cry uncontrollably.

"My poor child... Lord Beast God, it's all my fault, I was wrong. If you want to punish someone, punish me, spare my child... How much suffering does he have to endure to atone for his past mistakes? Xi'er, my Xi'er is just a five-year-old child. He's so fragile, so kind, please forgive him, Lord Beast God..."

Gou Liang had been through so much lately.

Attacked by a strange beast during the Silver Moon Festival, he had suffered severe head and abdominal injuries, nearly losing his life. Then, to save Meng Hui, he had further depleted his strength, remaining unconscious and weak for several days. He had only just recovered when he fell and injured his hands and feet, leaving them covered in blood...

It had been a series of unfortunate events for Gou Liang.

Ga'er's heart ached deeply.

Listening to the sincere confession and remorse from the female, the people of the Wolf Tribe didn't know how to respond.

"I'm sorry, it wasn't intentional. I never expected Lang Xi to suddenly charge out like that. I'm truly sorry..."

Hongya repeatedly apologized, holding his young cub in his arms.

He genuinely hadn't meant to harm Gou Liang.

"The Moon Fox tribe's people have been struck by lightning before. Maybe it's the Moon Fox tribe that has brought misfortune to the tribe. Why blame Meng Hao? It's really unreasonable."

Someone in the crowd muttered.

Yuejin's heart tightened, and he looked at the chief of the Wolff Tribe.

Moon Fox's well-being and prosperity had been achieved with great effort under his leadership. He genuinely feared that this incident might jeopardize all of it.

Fortunately, Lang Xiong was a just man. Suppressing his inner displeasure, he said, "Lang Xi's injury was an accident, but Hongya, Fox's death pains us deeply. However, I hope you understand. It's because we didn't leave that sacred place in time before the Beast God's expulsion that we're being punished for our greed. It has nothing to do with Meng Hao. If you want to blame someone, blame me."

Hongya sobbed, and his young fox whined in his arms, clearly distressed.

Lang Xiong gently lifted the small beastman, who had just lost his father and was too young to understand anything, and handed him over to the tribal priest for care.

He continued, "The tribe will never forget any of its warriors. Hongya, you and your child will be taken care of by the tribe until he's capable of caring for himself."

Yuejin hurriedly stepped forward and said, "I'm sorry, Patriarch. Hongya made a mistake when he was upset. I believe that he won't do it again in the future. If... if necessary, I can pray for Lang Xi once more to help his injuries heal quickly."

Thinking of the last time when Yuejin had prayed so fervently to save Lang Xi that he had become so weak he couldn't get out of bed for many days, Lang Xiong's anger towards Hongya diminished.

He waved his hand and said, "Don't blame yourself. You're no longer a priest. Excessive praying can harm your body. The priest also said that Lang Xi's condition isn't that severe. He'll recover. Thank you, that's my intention."

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