Ch75 - Papaya Flavored Senior Brother Gong (13)

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Ch75 - Papaya Flavored Senior Brother Gong (13)

Translated by Hua Li ^_~

Seeing Yue Qian’s silence, Gou Liang asked again, “Yue Qian, are you willing to come with me?” 

Yue Qian’s mind buzzed, vividly recalling the past happiness.

His recklessness, his capriciousness, his laughter and anger, his crude humor, his laziness, his enjoyment of being held by him, his love for teasing and playing tricks on him, his delight in seeing him frustrated and helpless… all of these were the best in Yue Qian’s eyes.

He didn’t believe that Gou Liang could be so cruel, and he was unwilling to accept the fact that Gou Liang was the leader of the demonic cult. Even if he had the worst suspicions in his heart, how could that ruthless monster be Gou Liang?

Or perhaps, if he really had killed many people for various reasons, would Yue Qian blame him for the suffering of others? 

Yue Qian knew he wouldn’t. In the face of righteousness, he would rather selfishly protect Gou Liang.

But… what about his family? What about his sect?

How could he deal with all of this?

Yue Qian’s lips trembled, and seeing the sadness in Gou Liang’s eyes, he almost agreed.

To go with him, to the ends of the earth, ignoring all right and wrong, wasn’t that what he had sought all his life?

Seeing the situation, Situ Zhangtian quickly spoke in a loud voice, “Ye Gui… no, Bao Jiu, give up on this idea! Yue Qian will not go with you. The righteous and the evil cannot coexist. You deceived him with love, and now you want to entice him into the demonic path. Your intentions are truly malicious!”

“Senior Brother Situ, there’s no need to waste words with him!” Leader Ye called out. “If you don’t take action, my Fan Yin Pavillion will exhaust our last breath today but will not let a single member of the demonic cult, especially Bao Jiu, escape!”

However, Sect Master Xia said, “Yue Qian, when my son-in-law Mo Guanju was killed in Nanshan, the killer was wearing a red dress, and all the evidence pointed to Ye Gui. You forcefully protected him, and later, you fled with him privately, leaving my son-in-law’s death unclear! Let me ask you this! Did you already know that he was Bao Jiu?! Just because you had a relationship with him, you aided and abetted him in his wickedness!” 

Gou Liang narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at him.

Situ Zhangtian’s voice grew fierce, “Junior Brother Xia, Yue Qian was young and deceived for a moment. Your words are too harsh!”

Sect Master Xia snorted coldly, “Senior Brother Situ, there’s no need to be so angry. I’m just discussing matters.”

“He sleeps with Bao Jiu every night. How could he not know that he is male? Sister Ye and Junior Brother Tang, you were also present that day and personally heard Yue Qian say that he and Ye Gui were already husband and wife, vouching for him! Now it seems that it’s not a deception but rather you two who have fallen into the same wickedness? Hmph, if it weren’t for his forced protection, we could have easily eliminated this menace two years ago when Bao Jiu lost his martial arts.” 

“But now? Not only has he recovered his martial arts, but his skills have also greatly improved! I imagine that Senior Brother Situ has put in a lot of effort to achieve this.”

Situ Zhangtian was furious. “My disciple is the biggest victim in this matter, you—”


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