Ch74.2 - Papaya Flavored Senior Brother Gong (12)

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Ch74.2 - Papaya Flavored Senior Brother Gong (12)

Translated by Hua Li ^_~

Sect Leader Situ laughed loudly, and the guests echoed, offering their congratulations. However, at that moment, a voice interrupted, “Hold on!” 

With the use of internal energy, the voice reverberated through the hall, silencing the laughter.

A figure in black landed in the courtyard outside the hall, followed shortly by around forty individuals dressed in black serpent robes representing the Wan Du Sect of the Demonic Cult. One of them laughed strangely, “Today is a day of great joy for our Demonic Cult. Situ, old man, why didn’t you invite us in for a celebratory drink?”

Situ Zhangtian led the others and stepped forward, sternly shouting, “The Left Protector of the Demonic Cult? What brings you here?”

The Left Protector laughed, “Today, the Demonic Cult and Nanjian Sword Sect are joining in matrimony. As the Cult’s guardian, how can I not come to celebrate?” 

“Nonsense!” Situ Zhangtian snorted coldly. “Today is a day of great joy for my disciple. There will be no bloodshed. Leave immediately, or don’t blame me, Situ Zhangtian, for showing no mercy with my sword!”

“Sect Leader Situ, such great arrogance! But today, I, Bao San, am in high spirits as well. Is this how you treat your guests?”


Yue Qian, leading Gou Liang, walked over and looked at the Left Protector, a hint of killing intent flashing in his eyes.

Situ Zhangtian said, “Just a few small fries, you don’t need to worry about them. Take your bride to the bridal chamber.”

Yue Qian looked at Gou Liang. He had kept a cold expression ever since the Left Protector spoke, and now his face looked even more grim.

Yue Qian thought that if he had a deep hatred for the Left Protector, even on their wedding day, he would have taken up his sword to eliminate this major threat to Gou Liang.

Just as he was about to inquire, he heard the Left Protector burst into laughter once again. Then, without any respect, the Left Protector said, “Master, you’re still in good health! Unexpectedly, after all these years apart, you’ve now put on a groom’s attire for a man. You willingly degraded yourself and married him. It truly amazes us!” 

Yue Qian’s eyes widened suddenly, and Situ Zhangtian and the others were equally astonished as they turned to look at Gou Liang, whose face was as pale as snow.

Before they could react, a melodious laughter rang out.

Immediately, several individuals landed in the courtyard, while hundreds of people descended onto the eaves.

The person in the lead, holding a whip, said with a smile, “Left Protector, you have such a foul mouth.” As she spoke, she suddenly lashed out at the Left Protector’s mouth with her whip. When he evaded the attack and she didn’t continue pursuing, she looked regretful for a moment before turning around, her face beaming. 

Kneeling on the ground, she said, “Nian Nujiao of the Hehuan Sect, pays respects to the Master and congratulates the Master on the wedding.”

“Congratulations to the Master on the wedding!”

The people behind her echoed in unison.

“Xiao Keng’er… What’s going on?” 

Yue Qian’s face turned completely pale.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

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