Ch90 - Pineapple Flavored Beastman Gong (8)

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Pineapple Flavored Beastman Gong (8)

Translated by Hua Li ^_~

The massive white-winged wolf soared through the sky at high speed, its outstretched wings causing massive whirlwinds. Its limbs maintained a running posture in mid-air, and every muscle and strand of fur displayed a remarkable level of “awesomeness.” 

However, its tail was not swaying in the wind to accelerate its flight as it used to. Instead, it was firmly pressed against its back, guarding something.

Faint sounds emanated from beneath its tail, quickly drowned out by the howling winds, as if they were mere illusions.

“Wuwuwu, you big liar! You promised me last night that I could have a look!”

“Really, just one look, please, Meng Hao? Meng Hao gege? Uncle Meng Hao?” 

“Don’t pretend like you can’t hear me, I know you can!”

“Meng Hao, I’m going to bite you, I really am!”

“Meng Hao, you’re mean! Wuwuwu!”

A faint smile appeared on the noble and cold face of the white wolf, but when a horde of ferocious orcs charged toward it, the warmth in its eyes vanished instantly.

With a fierce flap of its wings, the white wolf used its powerful gusts of wind to keep the opponents at bay while accelerating forward.

A rapid streak of brilliant white light shot through the sky at an astonishing speed, akin to the swiftness of an aurora. Though imperceptible to most, it didn’t go unnoticed by some perceptive creatures. They were thrust into an excited frenzy by the dazzling white radiance and gave chase in the direction of the white wolf. As for the extraterrestrial birds soaring above, they vehemently defended their territory, refusing to let the detested white beastman intrude upon it.

Because of the numerous dangers they encountered on their journey, Meng Hao dared not let Gou Liang take even a glimpse of the scenery. He couldn’t afford to linger here for even an extra moment. 

True to his word, Gou Liang bit onto Meng Hao’s tail… well, more like the hair, and kept his eyes glued to the peculiar creatures in the sky and on the ground that were fervently “chasing” like a bull fixated on a red cloth, as indicated by the system’s monitoring. He couldn’t help but marvel inwardly.

This spectacle was truly magnificent.

It was a bit of a letdown, though. After his hard work last night and finally securing a resounding victory with the tactic of “If you don’t agree, I’ll cry,” Meng Hao had initially promised to give him a bird’s-eye view from high in the sky. Little did Gou Liang anticipate that his lofty expectations would actually materialize. It seemed that even the mighty could have their moments of “saying one thing but meaning another.”

After soaring through the sky for nearly two days, Meng Hao eventually led Gou Liang to their intended destination. 

“Have we arrived?”

Finally released from the tight grip of the wolf’s tail, Gou Liang, not the least bit shaken by the “wolf” experience, eagerly hopped up and bounded around on the back of the white wolf. He moved with the agility and speed of a flying creature.

In no time, he flung himself onto Meng Hao’s head, clutching his hair tightly.

Before he could voice any complaints about Meng Hao breaking his promise, he was struck dumb by the breathtaking scenery that stretched before him! 

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