Ch95 - Pineapple Flavored Beastman Gong (13)

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Pineapple Flavored Beastman Gong (13)

Translated by Hua Li ^_~

Gou Liang smiled, causing Bor’s dark face to immediately flush red. 

He had never encountered a female so stunning when he smiled. Bor took a bold step forward and said, “What’s your name? I’m the chief’s son from the Burei Tribe. You will be my female—”

He reached out to grab Gou Liang’s hand, but before his hand could touch Gou Liang, he was kicked away by someone.

Bor tumbled unexpectedly and quickly got back on his feet. He saw a white beastman holding the female he had his eye on in his arms. His icy eyes locked onto Bor.

Bor seethed with anger. How dare this mere white beastman dare to steal his female! 

In an instant, he transformed into his beast form, and his sharp bull horns charged toward Meng Hao. He seemed determined to pierce Meng Hao straight through.

“Meng Hao!”

“Hao Ge!”

It was common knowledge that the strength of the rhinoceros clan was formidable, and Bor was the favored candidate to become the next chief of the Burei Tribe, a massive black-skinned and black-horned beastman. Their expressions pale, Yue Jin and Lang Fei both shouted out. Lang Fei attempted to step forward to stop Bor but was held back by Meng Hui.

“This is my brother’s battle,” Meng Hui said.

Lang Fei paused, glancing at his brother, who was leaning casually against a supporting pillar, hands crossed in front of his chest, watching with an increasingly profound smile on his face.

Meng Hao didn’t even change into his beast form. He faced the black rhinoceros beastman, who was more than ten times larger than himself, without any trace of fear. The powerful impacts and the deadly striking force of the black rhinoceros was enough to send nearby onlookers scurrying away. Still, Meng Hao evaded the ferocious attacks with remarkable agility. He then delivered well-aimed and lightning-fast kicks to the black rhinoceros’s front legs.

The enraged black rhinoceros bellowed furiously, launching a ferocious counterattack. 

Spectators couldn’t comprehend why he was seemingly provoking the black rhinoceros instead of retreating. Some whispered, “This approach might further enrage the black rhinoceros orcs; it’s not a wise decision.”

“Considering he’s a white orc, he should have delayed this confrontation.”

“Yeah, that black rhinoceros orc is the son of the Burei tribe’s leader. It seems the female of the  white orc’s safety is in jeopardy this time.” As people discussed the situation, the black rhinoceros’s retaliatory strikes grew even more intense, and its roars resonated louder and fiercer.

The creature began attacking indiscriminately, causing the observing orcs to hastily back away. However, what astonished them was that Meng Hao, who was in the heart of the black rhinoceros’s onslaught, remained unharmed. He continually delivered swift kicks to the black rhinoceros’s front limbs with increasing speed. Then came a resounding bang! 

The black rhinoceros abruptly collapsed to its knees, unable to regain its footing despite its efforts to support its hind limbs.

“His front leg bones are shattered!” someone exclaimed, and a collective gasp rippled through the onlookers.

The raging black rhinoceros bellowed in agony. It seemed that its cries weren’t just roars of anger; there was an undertone of excruciating pain. What kind of strength was required to break the thick bones of a black rhinoceros, even one that possessed such robust and sturdy limbs?

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