Ch82.2 - Papaya Flavored Senior Brother Gong (20)

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Ch82.2 - Papaya Flavored Senior Brother Gong (20)

Translated by Hua Li ^_~

Consciousness intact, he was strung up by Gou Liang on the character “Desolation” on the tower of Wumo City. He paid the price for his past deeds, and, in a way, was tortured by Gou Liang, hacked alive by ants or toys, repeatedly on the brink of death and then saved from the ghost gate. Until a month later, when those righteous sects who had lost their loved ones and masters finally vented their hatred toward the Demonic Cult and signed a treaty of reconciliation, promising not to provoke the Demonic Cult, they left Wumo City. 

Gou Liang appeared before him again.

Looking at Bao Shi, a mess of rotten flesh yet still completely conscious, he said with pity, “Master, you’re very valuable in death. From now on, the martial world will be calm, and you must be pleased, right? Don’t worry, after your death, your disciple will bury you and Master Lóu Huān together. Didn’t you promise her a life of shared beds and a death in the same grave?”

Bao Shi’s face distorted in defiance, but he was finally suffocated to death.

Whether it was because of the pitying gazes he hated, or because his decades of efforts that plagued the martial world were destroyed, or perhaps it was because his unworthy disciple was going to bury him with his lifelong shame, the woman who once raised him, his end came with bitterness… 


Ten years later.

Mountains of the Nanshan Sword Sect, below the Endless Cliff.

The birds were tranquil, the wind never ceased, the sound of flowing water, like tinkling bells, intermingled with a collision of flute and zither, creating a devastating effect that split a low mountain standing in a lake in two!

The mountain collapsed with a rumble, crashing into the water, creating a violent roar!

The beautiful scenery was destroyed. The young man playing the zither frowned, his fingers producing a wind and thunder-like melody.

The melody from the flute was intimidating. Its undulating and tumultuous tune stirred up waves.

The actions of these two caused the man who had been meditating indoors to become restless. He took his sword and stepped outside, standing next to the black-robed man who was fighting on the lake. Together, they watched the intense battle on the water’s surface. 

The two sides were still deadlocked as before. Just when the onlookers thought that this encounter would end in a draw like the dozens of previous clashes, the flute music changed unexpectedly. It turned into a soft and gentle melody, concealing its sharpness. The sound of the zither did not spare any mistakes of the opponent, immediately pressing forward. But unexpectedly, this time, as the zither music’s assault was about to reach the owner of the transverse flute, it was dissolved into nothingness!

The flute music blended with nature, harmonizing with the sounds of the wind, water, and even the rustling of the grass and trees, creating an invisible web of silence that narrowed the space where the zither music could attack. When the combined attack of the flute music and the natural sounds came within three yards of the young man playing the qin, he suddenly broke into a cold sweat, and his inner energy became chaotic. Despite his efforts to sustain it, the qin music eventually faltered.

The young man with the sword moved, but Yue Qian stood in his way.

The young man playing the zither stopped at this moment and sighed, “I concede.” 

The owner of the transverse flute put down the jade flute and smiled, “You’re too kind.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

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