Ch82.1 - Papaya Flavored Senior Brother Gong(20)

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Ch82.1 - Papaya Flavored Senior Brother Gong(20)

Translated by Hua Li ^_~

In the instant the skin mask on Master Xia’s face was torn open, the righteous sects were all stunned. 

The face beneath the mask was as youthful and handsome as a peach blossom, yet it stirred the deepest fears hidden within their hearts.

Someone exclaimed in horror, “Bao, Bao, Bao Shi! He, he is Bao Shi!!!”

This cry was like a drop of water falling into a hot oil pan, causing an immediate explosion of commotion.

Bao Shi, sensing the situation wasn’t favorable, tried to escape, but how could Gou Liang let him succeed? The two engaged in combat once again. Bao Shi even discarded his sword and used his martial arts to fight against Gou Liang. Their clash was far more intense than the previous fight between Master Xia and Gou Liang, every move carried a deadly intent. 

Yue Qian was equally shocked and couldn’t stay still. He flew into the battle, fearing that Bao Shi might harm Gou Liang. However, Gou Liang said, “Yue Qian, step back.”

Though Yue Qian refrained from interfering, he didn’t move too far away, remaining ready to assist at any moment. Bao Shi, realizing that Yue Qian was Gou Liang’s weak point, attempted to take Yue Qian hostage. However, Gou Liang kicked his hand away and said, “Master, he’s not your opponent.”

Bao Shi’s attempts failed repeatedly, forcing him to give up. Now, his only choice was to defeat Gou Liang, retrieve the Master’s command token, and use the power of the demonic cult to resist the righteous sects. He had to hold back the enigmatic and powerful Xuandu along with his five companions, thus obtaining a slender chance of survival.

Thinking this through, his moves became even more ruthless.

Gou Liang didn’t dare underestimate his adversary either. Both of them fought with all their might, their speed so rapid that it left only fleeting shadows behind. Gradually, even sect leaders like Situ Zhangtian couldn’t keep up with their movements. If they tried, their inner energy would be shaken, and their vital energy would surge.

The young man playing the zither reminded, “Act within your limits, don’t force yourself.”

Situ Zhangtian and the others relented.

The battle between Gou Liang and Bao Shi escalated in speed. Both were peerless experts of the martial world. Every move and stance they executed was extraordinary, the fierce wind they generated caused the ground to shake and grass to be uprooted. Pebbles shattered as they passed, leaving destruction in their wake. 

Even Yue Qian had to use his entire inner energy to withstand their clashes and remain uninjured.

With disheveled black robes and hair, they fought for nearly two quarters of an hour. Yue Qian’s keen eyes caught a change in Bao Shi’s moves. It seemed he had grown impatient with Gou Liang’s persistence.

Unfortunately for him, his luck was rather poor!

“Nine Nether Annihilation!” 

“Nine Nether Annihilation!”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Cr Djb Vtl ijecmtfv tlr jaajmx, Xbe Oljcu cfjgis rlweiajcfberis fzfmeafv tlr afmtcldef, qjiwr wffalcu, jcv atflg obgwlvjyif lccfg fcfgus mbiilvfv. Ktf ugbecv mgjmxfv vffqis ecvfg atf obgmf bo atflg mijrt, atf fjgat jcv vera fzqibvlcu.

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