Ch70 - Papaya Flavored Senior Brother Gong (8)

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Ch70 - Papaya Flavored Senior Brother Gong (8)

Translator: KunLin

Editors: Vez, Blarghette 

I translated Gou Liang’s nickname as “Little Fool” but yeah that isn’t going to fit in some scenarios anymore so, for lack of better options, “Little Fool” is going to be “Xiao Keng’er” from here on forward. It’ll also be changed in previous chapters…

As foreseen, once Pavilion Master Ye and Tower Master Tang moved into the Southern Mountains and refused to leave, Gou Liang gained extra surveillance by his side.

Two days later, the Northern Sword Sect that was the furthest away came knocking with their wives, daughters, sons-in-law, and upcoming talents, drawing even more attention to the Martial Arts Conference.

On the day of the conference, amidst the sounds of the lively drums, Gou Liang overheard people placing down bets. 

He looked over and saw that someone had set up a gambling joint.

Yue Qian explained to him, “That’s part of Baixiao Tower’s business. The odds are quite high though, do you want to play?”

Gou Liang was disinterested, “It’s not like you’re the one on stage. What do the victories or losses of other people have to do with me?”

Yue Qian grinned.

His name wasn’t on the list of participants this year, which had surprised everyone. Taking Yue Qian’s age into account, even if he participated in the Martial Arts Conference two more times, it wouldn’t be a problem at all. But with his current strength, these youths around thirty or less weren’t even in the same league as him—even at full strength, Sect Master Si Tu would be hard-pressed to win over his disciple, let alone these people.

Even Si Tu Zhang Tian who was obsessed with boasting about his disciple, restrained himself today. After all, showing the tip of one’s edge was good, but to overly do so would be harmful.

Zhu Fengyi felt that it was a pity, “I wanted to seek pointers from Junior Brother Yue, but it seems like that wish won’t be granted.”

For someone like him who was over 25, this would be his last time participating in the Martial Arts Conference. 

He Cong had already reached the age limit and was more broad-minded, “If you want to ask for pointers, just ask directly. Could it be that our Junior Brother would reject us? You know what, let’s challenge him to a duel after this match is over! We don’t need a grand stage like the wilderness or the desert, so how about the Southern Moutain’s rocky peak?”

The Head Disciples of other sects caught wind of this and joined in as well, and Yue Qian as one of the hosts naturally offered his cooperation.

The matches started with the youngest contestants, though not everyone could be like Yue Qian from 5 years ago who went up first but slaughtered a path to the finals and snatched up the championship. The abilities of the youths here were limited.

They were neither full of useless, flowery moves, nor were they provocative. Although each of them was earnest and full of courtesy, their performances made one yawn. 

On the side, Gou Liang ate melon seeds, gnawing and gnawing until he fell asleep on Yue Qian’s arm.

On the first day, a little guy’s sword accidentally flew towards him. He had already woken up and noted it down when he saw Yue Qian fling the sword away with a dark expression.

Then, in the following days, though similar incidents continued, he never woke up. In the beginning, his body still tensed subconsciously, but towards the end, he was able to sleep like the dead and slept through even the drums.

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