Ch51 - Honey Tangerine Flavored Shadow Guard Gong (9)

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The loyal gong, he’s very sweet~~

Translator: KunLin

Editors: Vez, Blarghette 

Ever since the old man had caught the fire toad, it was like he had received a tremendous treasure. He carried it with him everyday in his arms, refusing to set it down.

After the Mid Autumn Festival had passed, Gou Liang woke up one day and saw the old man with a black ball of flame on his head. He rubbed his eyes and took another look. Confirming that he wasn’t seeing things, he said lightly, “Grandfather, in the next few days you should avoid flammable objects, especially the poisonous substances in your possession.”

The old man agreed enthusiastically, but after having a couple drinks of wine, how could he still remember this warning? He brought the fire toad to watch the stars and moon and to talk about life, and what happened afterward was not very surprising—

The fire toad leapt out of the jar, wanting to escape. As the old man chased after it, he knocked over an oil lamp and a jar of alcohol. The air was dry, as was everything else in the surrounding area. A large fire was ignited easily. The house was burned down until only the charred stone frame was left. The old man’s beloved fire toad, the one he waited two years to capture, also perished in the sea of fire. 

No special methods were needed and the old man immediately became sober, but when he was stopped by Zhong Quan and was unable to save his fire toad, the old man plopped onto the ground and began to wail.

Gou Liang: “…”

He’s afraid, even when the original’s mother had died, this old man hadn’t cried this heart wrenchingly.

Gou Liang sat on Zhong Quan’s arm and helplessly divined the location of other fire toads. He then sent Zhong Quan to catch two back before ending this matter.

Originally, they had planned to wait until winter to head to Jiang Nan so Gou Liang could continue to allow his legs to heal there, but it seemed they now had no choice but to push forward the schedule.

Soon, they were on the road heading south.

In the horse carriage, the old man hugged the buy one get one free replacement fire toads, loving them so much he refused to let go. He stressed on whether he should fry them alive or sun-dry them so that the effect after pulverizing them and making them into medicine would be better. Expecting him to take care of Gou Liang was impossible. Thus, Zhong Quan specially brought over a Quan shadow guard to drive the carriage while he stayed inside the carriage to take care of Gou Liang. Gou Liang looked at the other, who had to stoop over and fold his legs to fit, and felt tired for him. Fortunately, they soon switched from the land route to the waterway.

The ship slowly glided through the water at a steady pace. On the mast was a black flag with a red word that read the character ‘Lin’. It welcomed the violent gusts of wind as it billowed in the air. 

When Zhong Quan entered the cabin, he reported, “Master, news came from the capital. Zhong Yue has divined that an earthquake would happen in a couple of days in the Yan Fief of XingTang province. He and Li Yan are planning to use this opportunity to overturn their current situation.”

He passed the slip sent over by messenger pigeon to Gou Liang. The latter raised his hand, signaling for him to wait.

The brush in his hand moved briskly. After he finished writing down the entire medicinal manual from memory, he finally placed down his brush.

—Because the old man courted death, his many years of research and notes on medicine had all burnt with the house. Fortunately, Gou Liang had read his works during this time period and could rewrite them for him from his memory. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be travelling on water right now, but on the old man’s tears instead. 

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