Ch57 - Honey Tangerine Flavored Shadow Guard Gong (15)

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The main plot has been replaced, now fuck ba!

Translator: KunLin

Editors: Vez, Blarghette 

*Mild nsfw

Spring passed, autumn followed, with the approaching winter snow shortly after.

By the time Gou Liang could slowly walk a hundred meters without crutches, winter had already arrived quietly.

This year’s winter was especially cold. 

Unlike the south where the trees remain green all year around, the capital was already covered in a layer of snow.

Low-grade silver charcoal was being burned in the East Palace. Heavy smoke filled the air, and if one stayed in it for too long, their eyes would start to sting and tear up. However, even if it was the lowest-grade silver charcoal, the East Palace did not have enough to use, not to mention there were many people in Li Yan’s household. After dividing it with the imperial concubine and her child, there was little left over. As a result, during this cold winter, Li Yan and Zhong Yue could only stay in the main palace, limiting their outings as much as possible.

One night, there were coughing sounds coming nonstop from inside the bedroom. Zhong Yue pulled the quilt tighter around him and pinched his nose. He wanted to hide from the suffocating smoke but was afraid of the cold, so he could only endure.

Li Yan was brooding silently outside the palace hall. He did not pay attention to the sound of the other’s coughing at all.

He was still thinking about how to get out of this situation before him.

After the earthquake, the Emperor did not push him out to calm the hearts of the citizens, and when King An spread rumors of his cowardice, the Emperor helped suppressed it, along with the assassination attempt on King An at Yan Fief.

In the end, the blame of the earthquake had been pushed onto the former Crown Prince, the son of the Gao Clan who had been in secluded confinement.

The Emperor arranged for people to find treasonous objects in the crown prince’s study—they found voodoo dolls with the Emperor, the Crown Prince, and King An’s eight characters written on it. They even brought in the QinTian supervisor to confirm it. The reason Heaven had sent down punishment, the reason the Crown Prince was heavily injured, the reason King An was met with assassins—these blames were all pushed onto the former Crown Prince’s head. 

Then, not waiting for the Emperor to question him, the former Crown Prince after being exposed had killed himself in his manor, only leaving behind a will written in blood admitting his crimes: He admitted that his sins were deep, and that he could only die to ask for the Emperor’s forgiveness.

The court had no idea that the former Crown Prince wasn’t the Emperor’s true child. They only thought of the previous ‘poisoning incident’ against the Emperor.

From their perspectives, the former Crown Prince was truly despicable. After the Emperor had narrowly survived being poisoned, he still cherished the father and son relation between them and had spared the other’s life. Unexpectedly not only did the other not repent, he even cursed the entire imperial clan other than himself to go die, what a vicious person!

With such heavy crimes, even those who were skeptical about the truth of the matter were willing to set down the suspicion in their heart. 

The hearts of the officials were pacified and after the disaster relief for the earthquake was done, calm returned to the court once more. The year was coming to an end and the atmosphere was joyous and peaceful.

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