Mystic Falls Here I Come......

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I do not own any rights to any of the TVD characters these belong to L.J Smith and the CW T.V show. The only characters who belong to myself are Siena Russo, Tony Russo, and Chrizina Russo & Blair Richy. Happy reading :D

Siena P.O.V

What is my story well I guess you can say it's complicated one, believe me I did not expect for my world to be turned upside down. Maybe I should start with explaining who I am...

So I am Siena Russo I'm 19 years old, I lived in New York all my life with my wonderful parents. My lifestyle was a little different let me explain why. Firstly with my mom Chrizina Russo was in the limelight due to her amazing creativity, as she's one of the most recognized fashion designers to date, up there with Donna Karan, Giorgio Armani, Calvin Klein and many more. The 'Russo' band was by far one of the biggest around, with it being headliner of New York Fashion week, and Paris Fashion week for three years in a row. When I look back to just thirteen years ago when my mom used to sit in our old two bedroom apartment, with her sewing machine making dresses for friends and family for special occasions. To turn into this idol that so many celebrities request to have red carpet gowns to be made for them, I couldn't be more proud of her. See the thing is my mom wasn't just my mom, she was like my best friend, I knew if I ever had a problem or needed someone to speak to she was always there for me. In all honestly I couldn't ask for a better mother.

My amazing dad, Tony Russo. He wasn't a force to be reckoned with, just as my mom my dad had headlined the tabloid with high profiled cases. He is one of the partner at Wolferman and Heart attorney's office in Manhattan. It's one of the largest law firms in New York City, but it also has many offices all globally. When my dad was made partner 2 years ago, he threw a party to end all parties, he seriously went all out with no stops. I still recall seeing my nonno (grandfather) looking at my father so proudly as he gave his speech, he spoke of how times were hard back home in Italy. That he never thought that a Russo would ever achieve what his eldest son had achieved. It was a touching moment which brought family and friends to tears, but it was one of those memories you will cherish. My dad was my world, like I read once that the first person that a girl falls in love with is her father, and I believe that, because he is there to care and protect you. That is something my dad has always done no matter what trouble I got into, he was always there with his protective arms wide open.

Growing up I had everything and anything I wanted, I know I may sound like spoiled brat but I really wasn't, I appreciated the value of money. I witness what it took for my parents to get to where they are now, it wasn't a fairy tale ride, so I didn't take what I had for granted. My parents wanted me to always have the finest things in life, they felt like the first ten years of my life it was all restrictions due to watching what they spent. Now life was different and with both of their success they wanted to make up what they couldn't do before, so my wardrobe was filled with designer clothing, shoes accessories. The one thing that my dad was obsessed with after I got my licence, was making sure I had the newest car on the market. It sounds great right? But I would have a new car every 3 months, personally I thought my dad went a little overboard with that. That's my adorable father for you.

So let me tell you a bit about my background where I'm from, so my parents originally come from Italy actually from Siena. So I think you've guessed why I'm called that, I didn't like my name as a child but I eventually grew to like it. You know like everyone goes through that phase in life when they totally hate their parents, I never went through that because they are the two most loving parents I could ever wish. What I loved about them is that I could talk to both of them about anything, that's the kind of close relationship we had.

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