For A 170 Years.....

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This is the Finally Chapter of 'Epic Love' but there is sequel book called 'Unbreakable Bond' part of my 'Epic Love Saga' Check out on my page :D

Damon P.O.V

It hasn't been a great few days since the funeral, as each hour passed I felt myself dying, the venom spreading attacking every organ in my body slowly. Siena and I haven't really had any form of conversation since the funeral, there has been the odd word spoken between us just to make polite conversation. It wasn't like how we were before where we would talk to one another about anything and everything. Since she witness what happened that night in the quarry something changed in her, maybe the fact of watching Elena die right before her by the man who she once loved. Then there was the fact that she had some kind of seizure beforehand, and none of could figure out how she knew where they were before any of us. Apparently Elijah the back stabber told Stefan that it was happening that Siena was in the processes of receiving whatever powers. Knowing that could be happening worried me, I wanted to be around to help her through it all, but it seems that Siena will be doing that journey alone.

I couldn't let this continue with the constant tense atmosphere around her no longer, I had to make some kind of amends with her before this disease takes over me completely. So I went upstairs in our room, she was still a sleep peacefully as I walked over to the bed and sat next to her. She looked so beautiful when she slept, she looked like an angel in my eyes. I place my hand on her cheek a smile appeared on her face. This might be the last time I see her like this, see my beautiful girl at peace in her dreams, I wanted to just cherish this moment right now. I moved closer to her, and kissed her softly on her lips, she began to respond back which surprised me. She wrapped her arms around my neck so the kiss would deepen. I moved away slowly to look at my princess, all I could see was her gorgeous green eyes, and her beautiful smile. I loved her, but love isn't enough. All the fairy tales, the romance novels, the soap operas; they're all lies. Love does not conquer all because if it did then I wouldn't be dying by this werewolf bite.

"That was a nice way to wake up." As she spoke I began to stroke her cheek with my thumb, which brought on an even bigger smile. "Damon is everything ok?" Siena knew me too well and I didn't want her worrying about me, I gave her a smile and moved forward and kiss her, before gently then pulled away.

"I love you..." She sat up with a smile on her face as she tilted her head to one side, with a suspicious look.

"What are you after Salvatore?" Only Siena could think I'm up to something, and she was right I was trying to say my final goodbye to her. I didn't want our final goodbyes to me of me suffering through this bite, I wanted our last memory to be one of joy rather than sadness.

"I'm not up to anything, can't I admire the woman I love." I watched as her face soften, her eyes became glazed she leant forward resting her forehead against mine. This was a lot harder than I thought would be, how could I have been so stupid to get myself in this situation, knowing I was going to leave her was killing me.

"Damon I'm sorry for how I've been the last couple of days I—" I place my hand over her mouth stopping her from speak, she didn't need to apologies. I didn't want to hear it, I just wanted to spend whatever time I had left with her happy.

"You have nothing to be sorry about princess. Nothing ok." I moved my hand from her mouth, she seem a little confused as she looked at me.

"Why are you being so loving? I mean you are normally, but you're being extra loving today—" I cut her off, she didn't look impressed.

"I nearly lost you the other nights, and the last couple of days haven't been great between us—" I looked down as she place her hand into mine with a worried look on her face. "—but I want to get pass that. I really never thought I could lover anyone as much as I love you Siena, you have changed me from the heartless monster that I once was, into a man who can love again." She had tears flowing down I cheeks, as she smiled, I wiped away the tears, I was trying so hard not to cry myself. "I spent 170 years waiting for you Siena Russo, and no matter what happens my heart will always belong to you. You are my one true love, for always and forever." It killed me telling her that, because I knew it might be the last time I would be able to say it to her.

'Epic Love' Damon Salvatore Love Story 'Epic Love Saga' Where stories live. Discover now